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Race Against Leukemia event, brought to you by OYL!


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Thought I would post up some info for a Race Against Leukemia event that we (OYL) are going to have here in Ohio.

Short story, one of our young up and coming racers in our club was diagnosed with Leukemia shortly after the 2008 racing season was over. His name is Harrison and he is a really fast kid, he has won many races and awards with our club and even raced in the WERA mini class a few times. Before he was diagnosed with Leukemia, his father got him a new RS125 framed bike with a CRF150R motor implant (very SWEET ride).

So, Harrison's parents and the Ohio YSR League (OYL) has set up an event to help benefit the Leukemia foundation. All money made will go to help fight Leukemia and find a cure!

The Harrison "Goes Full Throttle Against Leukemia" benefit date will be September 12 2009 at Circleville Raceway Park (CRP) http://www.circlevilleraceway.com/ CRP is located just south of Columbus Ohio.

I'm trying to get some media coverage and some sponsors lined up for this event. Anyone with a mini is allowed to come out and run some laps! For more info, keep an eye on this link: http://miniroadracers.informe.com/forum/racing-and-track-days-f4/benefit-race-date-set-t1091.html We will update the post with any new info!

EDIT... CHECK OUT THE EVENT WEBSITE HERE: http://sites.google.com/site/harrisonbenefitrace/

BTW, The OYL has a race scheduled for the next day (Sept 13th), FREE camping is allowed at the track!

Any questions, please email me at: rdracer4@hotmail.com or post here. I'll update this topic when I get new info

Thanks in advance!


Edited by fireman_343
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Brian, if there's anything i can do to help out please let me know! I know a lot of you guys dont know Harrison, but he's an extremely gifted and great kid, lights up ur eyes just talkin' with him. And even with all the stuff thats been going on for the last 6 months, he still kills it out there on the track, its truly a site to see!!

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  • 2 months later...

I just want to bump this up. Harrison is such a cool kid, I hope lots of you can make it out...

Harrison recently had a stroke, about a month ago... then he was out racing with us last weekend and running REALLY fast times. I cant believe this kid. He truly is amazing and I think aaron ^ said it best. It really does light up your eyes just talkin to him and being around him. He has such a positive attitude with everything going on. Really makes ya think.


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They are making a T-shirt and it will have the names of people who sponsor the event on the back of it. Im trying to find out if the deadline has passed for the option to sponsor and be on the T-Shirt. If we still have time, Im going to collect monies at bike night so OR can be on the T-shirt. Anything would help. Its a minimum of 100 to be on the shirt. But, if we get more than 100 then GREAT!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wanted to share this with everyone. This is so so cool!


This is Harrison's dad talking... truly amazing.

Saturday noon at the Superbike races Harrison and I strolled over to the Yosh garage at the request of Don Sakakura ,as he and Harrison had been corresponding via e-mail since February,and looked him up. He came right out of the truck when they told him someone named Harrison was there to see him. Very nice guy ,he introduced us to everyone including the women who cateres the lunch as well as drives the semi.

We had lunch with Tommy and he introduced Harrison to Mat and Blake.Mat stuck around and chatted it up with Harrison for quite some time asking questions about the benefit race and T-shirts.

Don then had Rich(team mgr) give us the million dollar tour thru the truck,etc, in the garage,they took pictures of Harrison sitting on Tommy's bike,and then down to the pits to watch the race on their moniters.For a while we were standing next to Kevin Shwantz,I was more star struck than Harrison by this.

It was cool to be right there and watch as Mat and Tommy focused on the race and Blake got some last minute advice from Kevin ,of coarse some knuckle heads came up and tried to get autographs while they were in there zone.Harrison was disgusted,me too.

Mat was the last to leave the pits and as he headed to his bike Harrison wished him luck and Mat turned ,smiled ,and said thanks to Harrison.Better than an autograph.

They invited us back to watch again on Sunday but Harrison wasn't feeling well and we had to go home before the Superbike race he was torn but I told him it wasn't worth risking his health.He inhailed to much dust camping by the esses and was having trouble breathing.(the doctors said don't breath in dust,oops)

When we got back from vacation a week later all the mail came on Monday and with it was a box from Mat Mladin with a hand written note that said,

"Hello Harrison,It was great to meet you at Mid-Ohio.

I thought you were going to be there on Sunday but I guess you

watched from the other side of the track.

Enclosed is my 3rd place medal that I have signed for you.

Also,I have enclosed some shirts and hats for you to keep

or auction off,whatever pleases you.

I purchased one of your shirts and will wear it proudly.

All the best for the 'Benefit Race" Kind Regards."

Mat Mladin

Well that was our experience at the Superbike Races this year.Pretty cool ,only way I figure he can top it is if he is actually racing in it one day.

See you all at Beaver.

P.S.Harrison e-mailed Don and explained his absence Sunday and also a note to Mat thanking him for everything and asked Don to forward it to Mat.

Don replied and said it was a pleasure to meet you, wishing him good health and if he can make it to another race we could do it all over again.Very nice guy he really made Harrison feel good.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes it is going to be a great time!

Yotaman, exSRArron, and myself were at BeaveRun this past weekend racing and Harrison was there, feeling a lot better and got to race his newly painted RS125 framed bike with a CRF150R motor stuffed into it. He was flying out there and was doing a really good job!!!

Here are a few pic's of Harrison (with the SuperMan hat on) and the cool shirts that everyone had on at BeaveRun Saturday!!! It was cool to see so many people supporting Harrison and his benefit race!






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Well we are doing our tech from 8-10am so... I guess anytime after that will work. We will prolly be mixing things up a little bit. We have an actual points race on sunday, so saturday is supposed to be more of a fun race day! Its gonna be a great time! Bring cash for the go carts!! I cant wait to crush all you mo fos out on the carts!! Muwahahahahah!! :devil::devil:

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