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What a crock of shit.


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"A crock of shit" it may seem at first, but like anything consider the source.

The taxpayers have always footed the bill for every past President that has gone out with the First Lady, and even family vacations. Why should this be treated any different?

Republicans and Democrats alike have their agenda and more available media outlets to spew their rhetoric.

Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

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We're all entitled to nights out. He's the leader of the free world, and unless he abuses it. I won't complain.


He's also showing what it is to keep a promise, and not just talking about it.

Edited by SteveChase
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valid point in the comments section

"June 1st, 2009 3:52 pm ET

The president will have to pay an amount equivalent to two first place tickets for himself and any unnecessary staff or family that made the trip and the press will be billed as well. It’s not really his fault federal law requires that everyone else be along for the ride."

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"A crock of shit" it may seem at first, but like anything consider the source.

The taxpayers have always footed the bill for every past President that has gone out with the First Lady, and even family vacations. Why should this be treated any different?

Republicans and Democrats alike have their agenda and more available media outlets to spew their rhetoric.

Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

:plus1: Hell, we paid for Bill Clintons :bj: and Monica's dry cleaning and didn't even get a reach-around

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upset about the date or upset that people are making such a fuss?

i dont see the big deal, we as tax payers pay for his job 200k a year if i remember right??? and it siad he paid for the meals and tickets, most presidents more than likely wouldnt have even done that, in all honesty. so he enjoys a fricken day off.

how many of u guys have a company vehicles? have u every used it for anything personal?? run to the store, picked the kids up in it??? its all in ones perspective.

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"A crock of shit" it may seem at first, but like anything consider the source.

The taxpayers have always footed the bill for every past President that has gone out with the First Lady, and even family vacations. Why should this be treated any different?

Republicans and Democrats alike have their agenda and more available media outlets to spew their rhetoric.

Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.


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this isn't just obama, obviously. i'm sure every president, vp, senator, rep., etc etc etc has used tax payer money to go on a "date" or vacation or whatever the fuck else.

regardless of the person, it's irritating as hell to have anyone who is "committed" to cutting the fat out of government spending (and they ALL say they are) and turn around moments later to do this sort of thing.

what about him paying for the show tickets and dinner? What is that? Like, $500? if even that?

have you tried to go rent a couple planes for you and your entourage lately? I could go buy a duc or two for the cost. the worst part is, air force one is ALWAYS there for his exclusive use and it is part of the budget year after year. But instead of that, he rented a couple private jets.

doesn't anyone remember the crying and bitching when the big three's corporate high ups were traveling via private jets instead of normal flights while their companies were going down in flames?

hypocrisy should always be noted.

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i did not vote for him , do not like the fact he kicked the military in the nuts on his first act as President. but hes the President now , and the way i see the C.I.C . if he wants flown to bourbon street for some alligator, craw fish gumbo and 25 2 buck whores , fine do it on our dime .... its not anyone's business . no matter where he goes, hes still working, in one way or another. unless the other politicians want a bill passed and let the cat out of the bag,to add pressure as they have in the past. FU nafta

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Does anyone realize the stress that ANY President is under? You people have no idea. Hell, I don't have any idea and I at least think I understand. So what if he went on a date with his wife?!? Doesn't your employer reimburse you for gas/food etc when you travel? If they don't they should. I don't see this as being much different. ALL the Presidents have done this..it's not an Obama thing. So what if he wants to unwind for a night. Christ almighty, being POTUS is a 24/7 job!! You NEED stress relief or else you won't survive.

Let's find something with more substance to complain about.

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have you tried to go rent a couple planes for you and your entourage lately? I could go buy a duc or two for the cost. the worst part is, air force one is ALWAYS there for his exclusive use and it is part of the budget year after year. But instead of that, he rented a couple private jets.

doesn't anyone remember the crying and bitching when the big three's corporate high ups were traveling via private jets instead of normal flights while their companies were going down in flames?

hypocrisy should always be noted.

I was thinking along the same lines... I wouldn't have a problem with it because I'm sure it's the standard with past administrations and essentially comes with the territory. My issue is the fact that he crucified the car and bank CEO's over their similar use of private jets, and their uses were primarily for business meetings, not date nights. Hello Kettle? This is Pot

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Fool with a capital EFF SON!

it's cool. it's to-mato or tom-ato. some people are ok with hypocrisy when it's a president they like/elected. i dislike hypocrisy no matter who it is. i don't scour the internet for every little thing every SOB in a position of power does, and frankly i don't care cause nothing i say or do will convince any other dumbass like me or you to think otherwise.

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-the tags for this thread read: "crock" and "shit"

-the title of this thread reads: "What a crock of shit" (this would indicate that the point of this thread is to point out how crappy what he did is)

-the article describes that the president rented several private jets instead of just using air force one (the concept of which, if you need help understanding, is that we already own and pay for air force one no matter what... so when he rents jets instead of just using air force one, that a lot of money spent for no reason other than convenience)

-president obama repeatedly has said he wants to cut wasteful spending

in summary:

1. president obama says he wants to cut wasteful spending, but wasted money on jets (i think that fits most common definitions for hypocrisy)

2. point of this thread is that this is shitty

now, if you want to create a new thread about how awesome it is that he wasted a few dozen grand on jets for convenience and that you're happy to shell out for it, then yes, the point of that particular thread would be that everybody else does it and he's "entitled to it". But then you'd be a fucking dumbass. Good thing you didn't make that thread! whew!

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well my bad, you are correct. That is what the original post was about. All of the replies up to yours were pointing out how its not a big deal, thats what I was talking about

So in your out of the way effort to make me look like a dumbass you've taken my reply out of context of the rest of this thread and cited back to the original post. mmk buddy

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