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Rt.536 The Dragon's Tail of Ohio


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Rt.536 The Dragon's Tail of Ohio: voted #1 mc road in Ohio by sportbike riders.

located in Monroe Co. near woodsfield, OH. off Rt.78. Rt.536 is 11.5 mi. long. and is in good condtion, light to no traffic, no semi-trucks allowed. 536 has so many twisties and hills that it will make your arms tired. at moderate to high speeds this road can be a challenge. check it out only if you dare.

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Looks epic but it's quite a trek out there. I'd be up for a ride out there as long as there were a good deal more twisties involved in the ride...one 11.5 mile road is not worth a 2 hour trip :\

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There are a few decreasing radius turns on 536 that are notorious for eating bikes. I've seen several bikes down and some unintentional off-roading. It's a fun route, but better to take it EASY the first few times you ride it.

I'll be heading that way on Saturday.

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Looks like fun. Definitely intended for more sportbikes than anything. I don't see a goldwing trying to slam through that at 40-50 lol.

you haven't John who rides with us in CSBA..

Rusty / Tomato Racing if you are around please comment!.

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i want to ride 800 this year as well, but will miss the CSBA ride to 536 next week. I'll check that out later in the season.

BTW - Goldwings handle great for a big bike. ^^^John (referred to above) has a 1800 that take 555 down with no problems so dont sleep on those road coachs. :-)

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536 is a good road, as mentioned but be careful first time out. A few turns that will surprise the living shit out of you, so don't barrel through it blind.

A lot of houses that mow their clippings into the roads on the corners, too. The best way to ride it, given its short length is to ride it one way kind of moderate and take note of the issues then turn and go more aggressive.

Lots of good roads out that way, 536 is but one of many. Hop across the river and there's even more.

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If you think 536 is good......try 255. It runs from Sardis (RT7) to 800, longer than 536, and IMO way better. That area in Ohio is where I ride all of the time.... Try RT146 from Zanesville, then 78 into Woodsfield, from Woodsfield all roads are good !!!

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