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OMG I Just Went On My FIRST Ride!!!


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So, that dude...lol, you are defintely not the only one who doesn't read all the stuff that's posted..I am a talker...and now, lol, a typer...I don't ever expect everyone to provide me with feedback, but I certainly appreciate that you did!!

Kosmo....I am really easy to tease and I'm totally okay with it...if you can't laugh at yourself who can you laugh at?

NOW....I took my test and I passed!!! Yay!! Did NOT know that they give you a physical temporary permit with you PICTURE on it, so I look like crap but it's cool, cause it wont be long before I take the class and get a brand new license!

Zero covered a babysitter for this afternoon so we are hitting the streets!! Which is way more exciting then the lame little ride I took last night (even though it was still way fun) Wont be long now and I'll be so comfortable with riding it will feel like second nature...and y'all think I'm a postwhore now...lol ;) just wait until I'm full into riding!! HEHE

Thanks for all the feedback!!

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haven't been on here in ages but this thread was right at the top so I stopped in. Congrats on your first ride hon. I took the written exam last year for my temps so I could go through the ohio baisic rider course and got my license that week. got my first bike a month later. been great ever since. and I never rode before the baisic rider course either. I just wish I had money now for the kind of gear I really want. I'm not happy with my current helmet or jacket.


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haven't been on here in ages but this thread was right at the top so I stopped in. Congrats on your first ride hon. I took the written exam last year for my temps so I could go through the ohio baisic rider course and got my license that week. got my first bike a month later. been great ever since. and I never rode before the baisic rider course either. I just wish I had money now for the kind of gear I really want. I'm not happy with my current helmet or jacket.


Well I am glad you decided to come back and post again! Thanks for the feedback...I am planning on taking the class, but it will be as a walk in as I did not sign up in advance. It's nice to hear that you are loving riding...I know how you feel about gear...I wear my fiances stuff all the time because I can't afford my own yet...luckily we're close to the same size so it's really no big deal but eventually I want all girly gear...maybe not necessarily pink....but I certainly want gear that shows I'm a girl :) Nice to have you back!!

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congrats on the 1st ride and passing the permit test. the ohio rider's course is probably the best $25 my wife and i ever spent, you'll learn ALOT! and it's alot of fun. neither mywife or myself had ridden before the course, and even though i've ridden more miles than her i think she's a better rider than me.

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Sara did awesome today!! :) We rode for a couple hours, just through the local neighborhoods and then did quite of slow moving maneuvering in an a big empty parking lot.

She's gonna be riding like a pro in no time. :) She never even dropped the bike once and only stalled it a couple times. Considering today was only the 4th time she's ever been on a bike, and the first time ever on real roads, I think thats pretty damn good. ;)

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It was the most fun I have ever had in my life! Someday I hope I can find a way to thank Zero for everything he has done...introducing me to the world of riding, buying me my first dirt bike and street bike....and being so patient and encouraging while I learn. The more I ride the more comfortable I feel...as Zero explained, I did a lot of manuvering, leaned the bike almost beyond my comfort level...rode the dirt a little too...it was fantastic....it's amazing how just a few hours on the bike got me so comfortable...after this week while my son is gone, I'll be riding like a pro in no time!!

Thanks to everyone for all the support and encouragement...I really appreciate it!!

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I was a walk in also last year. I got very very lucky. It was the first week of July, there were alot of no shows the day I walked in. I was late too. Me and 14 other walk ins all got a spot in the class. two of them had to go to diamond oaks the last two days but it all worked out.

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:D Okay, I just went out by MYSELF....ALONE and rode my bike...ALONE all the way (a whole mile...lol) to the gas station!! I didn't crash once, and I jumped two curbs (not necessarily on purpose)!!!! I kick started it all by myself, used all the techniques I've learned....and had a blast!! I just wanted to share...because it was amazing!! I'm actually pretty proud of myself right now...and now I'm ready to go get my permit tomorrow....(yea, I wasn't exactly technically legally allowed to do what I did, but I never went on a major road) I'll be riding to a bike night yet!!!


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Thank you all for your positive feedback!! I have gone out twice since my first ride and it does nothing but keep getting better...Zero is a great teacher and has so much patience with me...he seems to be really impressed with how far I've come...which is awesome. I am loving loving loving this, and I appreciate how kind and friendly and supportive you all have been!! THANK YOU!!

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