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A question for the ladies on OR

Mr Anderson

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Tommy's Pizza, then Half Price Book Store and buy each other a random cd or dvd. Worked for me. Twice even. ;)

That's a very interesting idea, I have to save that for later.

Nooooo always sit next to the girl , not accross from them !!! :D

My sarcasm detector may be broken, but wouldn't that make the girl feel trapped between you and the wall? It's instinctive to sit in the most comfortable place possible, and that would be the completely empty seat across from you.

Try the Montgomery Inn in Dublin !! Excelent food !!

We just opened a new resturant there and it's sweet !!!

Let me know when your going and I'll get you a table without a wait !!

Give him the Copacabana treatment in Goodfellas! :) She'll be begging for more!

Does the 250 have enough power to move while 2 up?

Move, yes. She however might completely lose her hearing in the process. Makes for a memorable date though...

Not for me. Thanks everyone with the advice. I will let you know how it went or which suggestion i took. Hopefully all goes well. If it does bike night might become a possible event to go to.

Excellent, look forward to the after-ride report . :)

I leave you with this timeless nugget of wisdom:

Garth Algar: Uhm, Wayne? What do you do if every time you see this one incredible woman, you think you're gonna hurl?

Wayne Campbell: I say hurl. If you blow chunks and she comes back, she's yours. But if you spew and she bolts, then it was never meant to be.

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What's her mom/aunts look like?? That's the question you need to answer before you even consider thinking about possibly trying to ever ponder coming close to some sort of serious relationship.

Oh.. I don't know if girls are still the same as they were when I was a yute but don't ask her what she wants to do. Just make a plan and go with it. A lack of self assurance is not attractive.. so I've been informed.

Bit early to start doing genealogical background checks, eh? :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay soooo, sorry for letting a lot of good idea's down. It was going to happen on 6/27/09. What happened was her grandma had a heart attack and she said she did not want to go. I don't know if this was a true story but I guess its on to the next girl. It was not meant to be. She said she just wants to be friends. That is the report.

If anyone from OR has single friend that is around my age ( 18 - 24 range. ) Please let me know if they would be interested in a single guy that is nice but sometimes shy and is a gentleman. If not my quest for the right woman must go on.

Sorry all OR people that posted here maybe better luck next time.

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try eharmony those comercials are really convincing that their site really helps you efind etrue elove!?!?:dunno::lol:

I "heard" from a few people (who heard it from their brother's friend's cousin's former roommate) that a lot of the more devout religious types frequent eharmony. Not saying you're one way or the other, Anderson, but just food for thought.

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Okay soooo, sorry for letting a lot of good idea's down. It was going to happen on 6/27/09. What happened was her grandma had a heart attack and she said she did not want to go. I don't know if this was a true story but I guess its on to the next girl. It was not meant to be. She said she just wants to be friends. That is the report.

If anyone from OR has single friend that is around my age ( 18 - 24 range. ) Please let me know if they would be interested in a single guy that is nice but sometimes shy and is a gentleman. If not my quest for the right woman must go on.

Sorry all OR people that posted here maybe better luck next time.

Tell her she would have had a heart attack too if she saw your penis

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you could get a hobby and maybe you'll run into someone with similar interests??

I "heard" from a few people (who heard it from their brother's friend's cousin's former roommate) that a lot of the more devout religious types frequent eharmony. Not saying you're one way or the other, Anderson, but just food for thought.

hmmm... maybe. my friend's roommate's friend is on eharmony and I think she's just looking for hookups...

Edited by OsuMj
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I'm going to give you the best advice you'll ever get in your entire life.. for free.. cuz that's how much I care.

Stop going out of your way to find a woman. Just chill and do your thing' date=' man. If a lady happens your way then cool, but for Christ's sake stop doing what you are doing.[/quote']

Srsly, IP has good advice for finding a good girl. As for my $0.02, just go around :sleep2: or :op: and the first one that doesn't call the cops... it was meant to be.

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I'm going to give you the best advice you'll ever get in your entire life.. for free.. cuz that's how much I care.

Stop going out of your way to find a woman. Just chill and do your thing' date=' man. If a lady happens your way then cool, but for Christ's sake stop doing what you are doing. It's killing me.. I want to reach into the display and smack you in the back of the head.[/quote']

Your right but I guess I don't want to end up lonely for the rest of my life. Maybe being single for 4 years is a good thing so I am going to follow your advice and get my act together.

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In my experience, the minute you quit caring and start ignoring them is normally the moment they randomly start asking you out.

Seriously- I went out to a bar with the guys to have some drinks and celebrate the fact that we'd all ended up single at the same time (your typical "Fuggit, they're all evil anyway, let's get drunk!" night). In the middle of our inebriated misogynistic ranting, this chick walks right up and starts talking to me.

Somehow or other I ended up marrying her.

I think it has to do with the fact that most attractive women are used to being pursued constantly. When they see a guy who just looks calm and collected, and isn't chasing them, half the time they'll get curious enough to start a conversation themselves, just to see what you're about.

From that point, the trick is just to smile, ask questions that let her keep talking, and try not to let your big mouth ruin it.


Of course, failing that, just start a band. Don't be the bassist.

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