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If you can read this, the bitch fell off...


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DDN is retarded...I keep trying to read the article and all it wants is to know more about me... I can't even read the full article..nevermind posting a comment.

What's up with that sonava??? You should suggest that they know less about their reading public. :D

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Sometimes I forget how nice it is to discuss motorcycles with people who actually have some knowledge on the subject... Idiots on a random news article webpage make me realize sometimes I take this forum's knowledge base for granted.

Edited by magley64
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this made me lol a little

I often fall asleep with the tv on. Mark works nights and I use it as a kind gesture to give him some light to see, so he can turn it off when he gets home. Anyway, I was half asleep when I heard it on the news and I woke up giggling about it ....just a little....then I fell back asleep.

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry for the thread necromancy, but I just saw it.

I used to work with her dad, that family has had a lot of bad things happen to them in the last few years, he had a couple of strokes, they got a divorce, lost his job, he had to have open heart and a pacemaker, now this.

He told me they had been to a bar then got into a fight, he goosed it and she came off the back. No gear of course.

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