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And today is Hawaiian shirt day.. so if you want wear a Hawaiian shirt & jeans. Okay?


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It may be Thursday (not jeans-okay-Friday) BUT it is my last day here at work and I am wearing a Hawaiian shirt, Jeans, and sandals.

Oh? You're going to send me home early for violation of a dress code? Good. Start my holiday weekend early.

Yeah- that probably wouldn't happen.:boxing:

I guess my Office Space-dorkism and rebellious streak are showing. Whoops. My bad. ;)


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i heart my work. As long as I'm dressed they don't care... we actually get e-mails before "big wigs" are scheduled to be in telling us to look good for them (no jeans, lol). Its nice that way

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uhhhhh.....yeaaaaaa......ummmm......im gonna go ahead and need you to come in on saturdayyy

maybe youll get a meeting with the 2 bob's.

Hey, you coming out to bike night tonight at Conway's? I gotta keep it on the D-L around here because I know the official bike night is in Reynoldsburg.

Tonight will be my first bike night where I actually ride in.

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We have casual Wednesday's and Friday's. Last week of the month is casual as well.

One of these days I'm gonna wear some longer shorts, and try to pass them off as capri's. :lol:

Ah, but do you have the legs for it? :D

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My work doesn't have a dress code but they do give you a uniform if you want to wear it. Every time I go out to lunch and I see a guy wearing a tie and dress shirt driving a shitty corola, I think to myself, if I have to wear a tie to work they better pay me enough to drive a much nicer car

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My work doesn't have a dress code but they do give you a uniform if you want to wear it. Every time I go out to lunch and I see a guy wearing a tie and dress shirt driving a shitty corola, I think to myself, if I have to wear a tie to work they better pay me enough to drive a much nicer car

I'm just the opposite. I drive a fairly nice vehicle and wear bibs with holes in them, shirts with holes in them - pretty much look like poor white trash.

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I like Sam's version better. I'd rather BE the part, than ACT the part.

I couldn't give two sh*ts if people want to judge me based on the clothes I wear or the car(s) I drive. They don't see my bank statement.

Edited by JRMMiii
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At least you had fun on your last day... :D

hmm, I'm still an intern, so every day is casual for me... I can't wear dress clothes in lab and don't have time to change between jobs :)

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I don't wear bibs, but jeans and t shirts usually sport a decent ride.

Bibs work really well for cooling of the balls when its a really hot day. Allows for more air flow than regular jeans. Dont wanna get monkey butt ya know

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