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Ever pass a cop on a bike in Michigan (he's doing 80) and you're doing 100? I did.


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I'm a tool for doing 100 on I75, but the speed limit in Michigan in 70 and everyone drives likes it's 80. I was actually following a van going faster than me, but I decided to go around because my superior traffic detection radar was going off.

Unfortunately, my superior cop detection radar must have been broken yesterday. The whole ride I was looking for police cars..and forgot about the bikes. Whoops. I saw the bike ahead of me, and thought it was a standard Harley. Passed by it without even looking at it (we were two lanes apart on a 4 lane highway).

Well, a few miles down the road..I'm probably doing 90-100...I hear the 'whoop whoop' right behind me. Scared the shit outta me! I pulled over...not gonna run from him..too much to lose. He reads me the riot act..and I just told him the truth...I had a long ride ahead of me and I was ROLLLLLLIN. He asks if I have any warrants (lol)...insurance...endorsement..no to the first and yes to everything else. So we start chopping it up while he is deciding whether or not to take my license and impound the bike. Come to find out...he rides a sport bike (I think in my head YES!!!! There's my IN) So we start talking about tires....bikes..etc...and he mentions that the only reason he tried to pull me over was he got close enough to read my plate. If I had run he wouldn't have bothered. Then he points to his harley and says "This thing is a dog". (chuckle)

He gives me a warning..tells me that I should know better rolling through MI with Ohio plates like that. I tell him I grew up in MI and I know how it goes. He says yeah, they ticket us, so we ticket them (lol). He tells me to keep it at 80 and pulls off.

That's twice in a row I've been pulled over by cops who ride sport bikes and let go. So to those of you who say all cops are dicks, you should rethink that.

Now, I realize I'm pretty damn lucky. If it had been any other cop, 95% chance I'm getting reckless op and my license taken...especially with out of state plates.

Edited by InyaAzz
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Kinda corroborates Magz story about cops advocating you to run... :nono:

Good story though. I think we (Dweez, Magz and I) probably got lucky a few times heading up SR 71 yesterday... when Dweez wants to ROOOOOOOOLLLL, he wants to ROOOOLLLLLLLLL.

Edited by JRMMiii
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Yeah no doubt! I'm like, did he just tell me to keep it 10 over the speed limit?!? And then right before he leaves..he says..I'll be doing 85..just don't pass me. LOL

He also did warn me that there were a lot of cops on the road today.

The fact that my license was clean, I was clean, and I pulled over probably started the encounter off on the right foot.

The guy was cool..younger guy..probably younger than me. I almost asked him for his business card, but I didn't want to see too ghey.

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Kinda corroborates Magz story about cops advocating you to run... :nono:

Good story though. I think we (Dweez, Magz and I) probably got lucky a few times heading up SR 71 yesterday... when Dweez wants to ROOOOOOOOLLLL, he wants to ROOOOLLLLLLLLL.

true story...we made GOOD time.

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You got lucky!

I had that happen once in my Eclipse, taking my girlfriend to Detroit. It was 3 in the morning, no traffic, going 100 with the cruise set. I had just passed an on ramp, and saw headlights of a car getting on the freeway. I turned off the cruise and started to slow, not knowing if it was a cop or not. It was! Radar detector never went off. He pulls me over and starts giving me the riot act. I told him, I worked all day and just got off, when we left to head to Detroit to see her grandma. I was speeding because I was trying to stay awake. He let us go with a warning, saying he was sympathetic for grandmas.

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Yeah no doubt! I'm like, did he just tell me to keep it 10 over the speed limit?!? And then right before he leaves..he says..I'll be doing 85..just don't pass me. LOL

He also did warn me that there were a lot of cops on the road today.

The fact that my license was clean, I was clean, and I pulled over probably started the encounter off on the right foot.

The guy was cool..younger guy..probably younger than me. I almost asked him for his business card, but I didn't want to see too ghey.

Great story. Your right everyone in Michigan goes 80 or faster. A few years back I went 100 in the camaro it so fun til I got to Ohio.

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Funny, you didn't get charged anything for your little Travis Pastrana episode in Coshocton?


Great story. Your right everyone in Michigan goes 80 or faster. A few years back I went 100 in the camaro it so fun til I got to Ohio.

That Ohio sign on the border might as well be a stop sign.

Glad you got out of the ticket....2 in a row, dont think you should press for that 3rd if you know what i'm saying. :-)

I hear you. I was only about 15 miles into the trip too. Funny thing is, the van I was following was driving faster than me. I usually look for a 'rabbit' as I like to call them. Someone in a bigger hurry than me and stay behind them..but far enough away that they don't think I'm following them. it just so happened I was trying to get around a cluster of cars and the cop was right in front of it. Now I know why there was a cluster of cars!! LOL

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baller! i never get let go for anything.

I used to say that I have a dark cloud of bad luck around me...I'm dropping that now. That ticket could have ruined my summer...shot my insurance rates through the roof..etc. Let alone leave me stranded 200+ miles from home.

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Last year heading back from Detroit to Flint on I-75 we were cruising in my car around 120 mph late one night with not a soul on the road (car is very stable there, hehehe) and when we got near Grand Blanc I crested a hill to find a city cop in the middle of the interstate. I had time to do nothing but have my heart stop. I decelerated from 115 to 90 and he didn't follow. Thank god!

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AWESOME!! now go out and buy a lottery ticket.

I'm surprised MI is still using HDs for mounted cops. Most places have swapped out the those slow pieces of shite for ST1300s or better.

The best part about HD cop bikes is that the only difference between the cop version and civilian version are the lights and siren! No extra HP or nothing.

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I am from Michigan and go there all the time. Highway Police are very cool. For those of you whom have never driven the Detroit Autobahn you need to. Triple Digit Speeds are common place. Drivers merge right and stay out of the fast lane. Once you get into Ohio the Stupidity starts. Camping in the fast lane, Cop at every other turn-around. Ohio cage drivers are the worst in the country. They will never move over to the right to allow faster drivers to pass. They think they own the left lane. Michigan drivers would cut them off and give the middle finger salute. LEFT LANE IS FOR PASSING! Ohio just does not get it...Russ

I've lived in Ohio over 10 years now...and I have to agree with you. First of all, you rarely see a cop on Michigan highways cause they're too busy collecting the dead bodies in the cities. Once you hit the Ohio border all fun ceases to exist.

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