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7/28 - FlUCK IT, LET"S RIDE - Columbus


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If that doesn't dissuade anyone, I'd also like to set some clear expectations that I have for all rides:

6) Speed encouraged where it is an actual challenge... In the turns. Scrub those chicken strips boys!

7) Ride your own ride. I repeat... RIDE YOUR OWN RIDE. Once roads become familiar (like if we repeat the route back or repeat the ride another day/weekend)... Rip them twisties as best you can... DO NOT worry about keeping up.

9) Ride your own ride. This one always bears repeating again, again, and again.

If you are down... cool. If you are not... cool. Not everyone has the same expecations and/or ideals for what constitutes a fun ride. Some may want to run the ton... others may want to stunt... others may want to cruise...

I want to improve my skills in the twisties... Eventually, I want to drag a knee. Those are my goals. To achieve those goals I practice and observe others... Group rides are good for both. Maybe I can learn from you, maybe you can learn from me. If you are like minded, let's do it...

Anything anyone wants to add or comment on would surely be appreciated.

These are the only ones that I would have problems with and the reason i havent tried to ride w you guys yet.. Group riding by definition is not racing

or knee dragging practice and If the cruisers or slower cornering bikes are along they wont be for long... This can get someone hurt... If you want to ride this way then thats fine with me but I cannot and will not come with.

I guess we need a cruiser or group rider thread! Sorry, dont mean to be a dick but thats the way i feel about it and im sure im not alone.

Totally agree:D

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These are the only ones that I would have problems with and the reason i havent tried to ride w you guys yet.. Group riding by definition is not racing

or knee dragging practice and If the cruisers or slower cornering bikes are along they wont be for long... This can get someone hurt... If you want to ride this way then thats fine with me but I cannot and will not come with.

I guess we need a cruiser or group rider thread! Sorry, dont mean to be a dick but thats the way i feel about it and im sure im not alone.

Totally agree:D

Hey, no problem. That's why my plan is fail-safe. Faster riders in the front. Slower riders in the back. At an intersection, wait for all. Done.

oh, it would be good for an experienced rider to ride 'sweep' to make sure nothing bad happened.

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