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Q-S-&-L Bike Night 07/22/09


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Lets hope for some more nice days to last till at least Wednesday

Meeting as before at the old Circuit City parking lot on Polaris Parkway at 7pm

(from I-71N exit west onto Polaris Parkway then right at the first light, Parking lot on the left)

then roll out about 7:20pm

Who's gonna be at CC & and QSL?


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Might have to work that night, might not. :dunno:

If not, see you there unless I have to swim.

Might have to bow out on this one.

Changed the front brake pads and am having a trouble bleeding the brakes down.

My first problem is I don't want to do it in the rain. -rain sux

The second is it doesn't want to bleed down.

rain sux

Edited by Strictly Street
rain sux
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  mrbret said:
Lets hope for some more nice days to last till at least Wednesday

Meeting as before at the old Circuit City parking lot on Polaris Parkway at 7pm

(from I-71N exit west onto Polaris Parkway then right at the first light, Parking lot on the left)

then roll out about 7:20pm

Who's gonna be at CC & and QSL?


I might roll out if possible.

We're talking about the Valley View one, yeah? Or is this Columbus?

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  Ryan_c_F said:
I might roll out if possible.

We're talking about the Valley View one, yeah? Or is this Columbus?

Columbus, hence the name of the sub-forum.

I'm out y'all, out on a road trip for work. In NC now and slowly working my way back home.

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  justin0469 said:
get some mr anderson. and remember - drop and draaaaaaaaag. maybe work up a sweat prior.

One of these days, Justin, You are going to try your little "drop and drag" bullshit on the wrong person and you probably won't like the outcome. It will probably end up being something you WONT brag to your friends about... But until then, keep on draggin' on babydoll..... ;)

  yotaman88210 said:
Prolly wont be there. May be moving some stuff that night. More moving. Booooo

YOTAAA!! iz knowz why u not going!! Youz not can feed yourself :( Boooo!!!!

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  EvilTwin said:
If the weather is shitty, I still want to hang out w/ people so maybe we should have a backup plan?
what if people don't want to hang out with you :dunno:

you know i'm just messing with you man

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