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My pics from the superbike races at Mid Ohio


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They haven't been touched up yet. These are just the raw images, and only some of them. I shot over 4600 pictures. There are almost 1000 in this album. They're not in any kind of order. They are shrunk down and only 75% jpeg quality. Feel free to snag any of them you want. If you want the full res version of a specific pic, PM me.

Clicky here.

Some of my personal favorites:









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nice! the shots of them you got coming out of the key hole are pretty wicked awesome! sad to say i just got to running through my pics from the weekend, i am half debating of just posting them non-edited. but we will see.

I don't have time to edit them all right now, so I definitely understand. I just grabbed the ones that looked decent and uploaded them. I'll probably get around to editing them sometime this week or next.

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Cool, that some waved at you.

Or....were you surrounded by camera guys and they were waving at ALL of you? ;)

Those two shots nobody was around me. It was actually really cool. I had another guy do a wheelie where I was standing, but I'd moved. He got up to me and point back at where I was like, "damnit, I did that for ya and you weren't there".

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Really nice shots Casper.

Editing can definitely seem like a job. Fortunately PSE's batch processing w/ auto-correction works well enough for most images.

Look forward to seeing some more!

PSE = Photoshop Extended or PSE = Photoshop Elements?

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Just goes to show that motorcycle racers are way cooler than car racers. I've yet to see one Formula 1 driver or NASCAR driver pull a wheelie for the camera. They are all too busy for the fans. :nono:

:lol: this is true! but i do have pics of f1 drivers waving...

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