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August 11-Mid Ohio


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hey jbot,why dont you say what dump ass you are,and what you did.got us both almost kill

hey sorry big guy!

i pretty much left for montreal right after midohio, and didn't get a chance to get on here til today.

as i told you and mr. lizard at midohio, i was very sorry for what happened on tuesday and i wasn't quite thinking at the moment. i should've just stayed away from the bike and talked to a corner worker. in any case, it won't happen again (hopefully cause i won't go down again, but whatever happens, i have learned from my mistake and won't be repeating the error of hopping back on the bike).

back story:

More skilled people than myself can make an inside pass into turn 1, but i was not one of those people so i went wide and lowsided into the grass. i mowed the lawn a bit, but the bike was fine. thankfully, that's all the happened because i later become a moving roadblock for rusty (and probably others) as I stupidly ran back onto the track with my bike. this is a simple thing and i should've known better, but kids, don't lay your bike down, and then pick it back up and ride it back onto the track. especially if the track is hot. just get away from the bike and let the corner workers deal with it.

sorry for being a damn nub. i'll make sure not to do it again.

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hey sorry big guy!

i pretty much left for montreal right after midohio, and didn't get a chance to get on here til today.

as i told you and mr. lizard at midohio, i was very sorry for what happened on tuesday and i wasn't quite thinking at the moment. i should've just stayed away from the bike and talked to a corner worker. in any case, it won't happen again (hopefully cause i won't go down again, but whatever happens, i have learned from my mistake and won't be repeating the error of hopping back on the bike).

back story:

More skilled people than myself can make an inside pass into turn 1, but i was not one of those people so i went wide and lowsided into the grass. i mowed the lawn a bit, but the bike was fine. thankfully, that's all the happened because i later become a moving roadblock for rusty (and probably others) as I stupidly ran back onto the track with my bike. this is a simple thing and i should've known better, but kids, don't lay your bike down, and then pick it back up and ride it back onto the track. especially if the track is hot. just get away from the bike and let the corner workers deal with it.

sorry for being a damn nub. i'll make sure not to do it again.


Understand there is always two sides to every story. I found out that jbot was allowed to pick his bike up and ride it in at Grattan after a crash. He had no idea it was on the checkered flag lap and that's why they let him go.

TRUST me, he got an ear full and was genuinely sorry for what he did. I thought he also came to you and apologized, did he not?

A lot of people make mistakes. This was a really dangerous one that could have ended badly, but didn't. So, let's learn from it and move on. Jbot learned a hard lesson that day and I am pretty sure it won't happen ever again...

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wow, didnt realize that many of you were down there.. i was too..i had the red suburban with the black honda trailer at the t.s.b.r. canopy.. it was my first time in "A"..it's getting better,but i still gotta work on my ugly body positioning..look at my av.,thats from grattan in june...im way off the seat, but my head stays dead center lol....i was still bounce'n between 45's-47's..was turn'n 50's last year in "I" so im happy lol.....and somebody came around me through thunder valley haul'n ass bigtime and lost it in the left hander before the carousel,but it was well after they past me..hope it wasnt any of you guys..deff. a good time though, except for the shower and sprinkles..i took 3 newbs down with me, they ran beginner.. and there hooked lol..there already plan'n more trackdays lol..it was fun for me to watch them progress in speed and confidence through the day,best part was see'n them come in after a session with a big ol' shit eat'n grin lol...

Edited by RR_MIKE
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Understand there is always two sides to every story. I found out that jbot was allowed to pick his bike up and ride it in at Grattan after a crash. He had no idea it was on the checkered flag lap and that's why they let him go.

TRUST me, he got an ear full and was genuinely sorry for what he did. I thought he also came to you and apologized, did he not?

A lot of people make mistakes. This was a really dangerous one that could have ended badly, but didn't. So, let's learn from it and move on. Jbot learned a hard lesson that day and I am pretty sure it won't happen ever again...

i know what you saying,but we almost end up like the girl at the other track when she run to the corner guy.i have no problem he go back to track,but he dont look and got in my way when he go maybe 20, i miss him by inches.so the lesson is dont go 100 %,always have room and time to react,its not race,and shit can happen.Jbot you go 22nd?
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Ya know it def. I had this at Putnam when I went down in the Bus stop, or whatever that thing is. And the Corner worker definitely had me go get my bike up and ride it in. It was really weird. But ya it could always be bad and Im glad everyone is okay.

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Hey guys hope there are no hard feelings. What happened that day was honestly one of those days ill remember as being one of the stupidest things I've ever done so please do believe me when I say I'm sorry and that it won't happen again.

I won't be at midohio on the 22nd but ill be at grattan the first weekend of Sept. I still need to work on being more smooth (and hopefully, more quick as a byproduct) before I play in a led day.

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yea there is the thread "so i hit a concrete wall today" in pics and vids i think.

but its the same as you see above just clipped to a shorter segment. all explained in that thread, just ran out of track trying to keep a wide line since i thought the kawi was still there on the inside, ran out of track however. no damage other than a smashed frame slider.

I have more videos as well that i am slowly putting up.

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here are the rest of my vids:





session 5 is already up.

didn't have camera session 6

session 7 was the crash (already up as well)

also i posted some of these before they were done processing.

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