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Ride for Freedom Sept 5 Cincinnati


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Once again... you're blind, no where does it say MANDATORY draft:

Highlights from Project Vote Smart

The following is Project Vote Smart's highlights for this bill, generously made available by PVS:

The following summary was for the Concurrence Vote for this bill on 2009-03-31. The bill may have changed since then.

-Authorizes funding to promote, operate, and expand service-learning programs in elementary and secondary schools through training, curriculum development, program assessment methods, and community outreach (Sec. 1201).

-Allows the Secretary of Education to designate up to 25 Campuses of Service, or institutions of higher education where service-learning is an important component of the curriculum to receive a government award to develop or disseminate service-learning models (Sec. 1203).

-Establishes Youth Engagement Zones to involve middle and high school students in community service, including Summer of Service programs (Sec. 1204).

-Expands AmeriCorps openings over 8 years, allowing for up to 250,000 AmeriCorps volunteers by fiscal year 2017 (Sec. 1301).

-Establishes the Education Corps to improve schools, the Healthy Futures Corps to serve unmet health needs within communities, the Clean Energy Corps to work on energy projects, the Veterans Corps to work with veterans and their families, and the Opportunity Corps to work with the economically disadvantaged (Sec. 1302).

-Raises the amount of the full-time national service educational award to the maximum amount of a Federal Pell Grant (Sec. 1404).

-Aims to increase the percentage of disadvantaged youths in the National Civilian Community Corps to over 50% by 2012 (Sec. 1503).

-Expands the National Civilian Community Corps’ mission to include projects on energy conservation, environmental stewardship or conservation, infrastructure improvement, urban and rural development, or disaster preparedness needs (Sec. 1506).

-Establishes the Serve America Fellowship to assist with areas of national need, as determined by the State Commissions on National and Community Service (Sec. 1805, 1606).

-Establishes Silver Scholarships and Encore Fellowships and expands the Foster Grandparent Program, Senior Companion Program Grants, and the National Senior Service Corps to encourage community or national service among citizens age 55 and older (Secs. 1805, 2142, 2143, 2144, 2145).

-Establishes the Social Innovation Fund, National Service Programs Clearinghouses, and Volunteer Generation Fund to help local groups train, develop, and maintain volunteers (Secs. 1807, 1808).

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ha ha, when does it every say clearly what its intent is? its ALWAYS statemt in legal jargon that people think is one thing, but is in reality another....If your really interested we can get into the legals of it....c'mon, remeber the patriot act? only later did we find out that federal agents CAN ENTER YOUR HOUSE W/OUT A WARRANT, thay can tap yer lines without you ever knowing it.

If You Really want I can forward you examples from the healthcare bill that on face value sounds GREAT, but when you get into the meat of the bill, its some scary sh#$t. Govt direct access to bank accounts, single payen national system, ect, ect......now theres a lot of people who think that all this is fantasy, and that's just hiding er head in the sand......but hey man this is a site for riders so I WILL NOT POST ANY MORE "POLITICAL" STUFF, IF YOU WANT ANY JUST SEND ME A MESSAGE.........ride safe

Edited by el_jujo
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ha ha, when does it every say clearly what its intent is? its ALWAYS statemt in legal jargon that people think is one thing, but is in reality another...

Probably should stay away from ohiolibertyriders.com then, because who knows what they really represent?

I'm sure they're the ONLY group in existence without an agenda and who has clear intent. :rolleyes:

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@ the pictures and post above........you must be in highschool still? or get your news from TV,,,,,,,I guess these are matters that you just dont understand....pretty sad........suuuure make it a race issue, that pretty typical for someone who has NO clue whats happening.......btw im hispanic and we ride with a mixed racial bunch! have a good day............oh you might want to know the bill for mandatory military service ( ie draft)passed the house of reps yesterday, so good luck riding on your way to Iraq.

--end the war!

--end govt intrusion into our lives

--peace for ALL here at home

HR 1388: Service America Act (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-1388).....now thats a pretty nice title, isnt it....now as usual the devil are inthe detail.....remember the "stimulus" act? nothing more than a way to funnel trillions of dollars to the wealthiest banks, leaving YOU and I with rising unemployment and massive debt. I will post the specific passages that apply to you and me if your too busy to read the bill. Not too sure why yer hostile towards ME, we probably believe and want the same things...AND im not republican, I was opposed to Bush and I am opposed to the new leadership, under Obama.....got.a wake up and see that their both the same party. Yes, my spelling suck (too lazy to spellcheck)

I knew you were full of shit from the beginning, but I like to prove my statements and back them up with substance. You are a fear mongering BULLSHITTER.

1. That "mandatory military service" bill HR1388 has already been signed into law on April 21, 2009. Oh my god!! watch out for that one!

2. To further prove my point, I read parts of the bill. Did YOU read any of this?!?! This is just an extension of an already existing bill from 1990, and it is an appropriations of funds for VOLUNTEERS.

GTFO, now

Edited by wrillo
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well since ya responded heres another post

heres the adjunct to the previous bill and a video for you, maybe we can have a good debate on this, if your interested, without slamming or the usual name calling ?

adjunct to 1388: is hr 1444 (http://www.govtrack.us/congress/bill.xpd?bill=h111-1444)

and this intention of "draft" is not new,this bill is just the leagl preparation so that is can be enforced: video- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7RItqXGdWU

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This bill is in the first step in the legislative process. Introduced bills and resolutions first go to committees that deliberate, investigate, and revise them before they go to general debate. The majority of bills and resolutions never make it out of committee. [Last Updated: Jul 12, 2009 10:16PM]]

So, you're protesting what again? The discussion of a mandatory service requirement?

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Page 4 and 5 of the Full 12 page "bill":

(b) SPECIFIC TOPICS.—In carrying out its general

purpose under subsection (a), the Commission shall ad- 19

dress and analyze the following specific topics: 20


(6) Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable 19

mandatory service requirement for all able young 20

people could be developed, and how such a require- 21

ment could be implemented in a manner that would 22

strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and over- 23

come civic challenges by bringing together people 24

from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational back- 1

grounds. 2

The horror!! :eek::eek:
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were protesting sending out troops to fight and die in foreign countries, while here at home out freedom are being stipped from us. In not opposed to dems or repubs or any other group. Im opposed to taxing the sh&%^ out of US common people, while were losing our jobs. Just as a rider look at what they TELL us we can/can do? tax yer paycheck,tax the gas, tax anything you buy...then you have to pay for registration every year, now they ant mandate helmets, toll roads......I know weve grown up thinking taxes are a part of life, but c'mon isnt it getting a little crazy? Were for a strong military that stays home and protects THIS country and not the interest of Goldman Sachs, Exxon, and the rest......cant we agree on that?

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(10) The effect on United States diplomacy and foreign policy interests of expanding service opportunities abroad, such as the Peace Corps, and the degree of need and capacity abroad for an expansion.

not those Peace Corps Nazis again!!! ooohh noooes!

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were protesting sending out troops to fight and die in foreign countries, while here at home out freedom are being stipped from us. In not opposed to dems or repubs or any other group. Im opposed to taxing the sh&%^ out of US common people, while were losing our jobs. Just as a rider look at what they TELL us we can/can do? tax yer paycheck,tax the gas, tax anything you buy...then you have to pay for registration every year, now they ant mandate helmets, toll roads......I know weve grown up thinking taxes are a part of life, but c'mon isnt it getting a little crazy? Were for a strong military that stays home and protects THIS country and not the interest of Goldman Sachs, Exxon, and the rest......cant we agree on that?

So you can't back up any of the claims you've made so you're changing the subject?

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were protesting sending out troops to fight and die in foreign countries, while here at home out freedom are being stipped from us. In not opposed to dems or repubs or any other group. Im opposed to taxing the sh&%^ out of US common people, while were losing our jobs. Just as a rider look at what they TELL us we can/can do? tax yer paycheck,tax the gas, tax anything you buy...then you have to pay for registration every year, now they ant mandate helmets, toll roads......I know weve grown up thinking taxes are a part of life, but c'mon isnt it getting a little crazy? Were for a strong military that stays home and protects THIS country and not the interest of Goldman Sachs, Exxon, and the rest......cant we agree on that?

What freedoms are being stripped? Above and beyond what the Patriot Act already has?

If you're opposed to taxes on registration and gas and roads... why are you going on a ride that requires all those things to protest all those things?

That's like hosting a pig roast to fight for vegetarianism.

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sect 120 part b, number 3, subsection(B) service-learning is a mandatory part of the curriculum in all of the secondary schools served by the local educational agency.

now look a little further sect 1508:


Section 158 (42 U.S.C. 12618) is amended–

(1) in subsection (a) by inserting ‘National’ before ‘Civilian Community Corps’; and

(2) in subsection ©–

(A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1)–

(i) by inserting ‘National’ before ‘Civilian Community Corps’; and

(ii) by inserting before the colon the following: ‘, as the Director determines appropriate’;

(B) in paragraph (6), by striking ‘Clothing’ and inserting ‘Uniforms’; and

© in paragraph (7), by striking ‘Recreational services and supplies’ and inserting ‘Supplies’.

Sounding a little like militarizing for national serves yet? it goes on...........

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sect 120 part b, number 3, subsection(B) service-learning is a mandatory part of the curriculum in all of the secondary schools served by the local educational agency.

now look a little further sect 1508:


Section 158 (42 U.S.C. 12618) is amended–

(1) in subsection (a) by inserting ‘National’ before ‘Civilian Community Corps’; and

(2) in subsection ©–

(A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1)–

(i) by inserting ‘National’ before ‘Civilian Community Corps’; and

(ii) by inserting before the colon the following: ‘, as the Director determines appropriate’;

(B) in paragraph (6), by striking ‘Clothing’ and inserting ‘Uniforms’; and

© in paragraph (7), by striking ‘Recreational services and supplies’ and inserting ‘Supplies’.

Sounding a little like militarizing for national serves yet? it goes on...........

I don't care how much you put a spin on their words, I don't give two shits about it because of that one key word: Civilian.

There. Done. Arguement is over, it has nothing to do with a draft. Okay? Now if you have a problem with mandatory community serve, that is okay, but stop calling this a draft. That is false

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