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Leather on a 90 degree day ?


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you know funny you should ask... It was one hot July day some time ago and I had been looking at you tube videos of motorcycle accidents. I remember one guy leaving a comment saying "better to wear gear and sweat than need a skin graft". Later that day I went out to ride with some guys, I started to walk out the door and was like should I go without my jacket since its in the 90s.... and then I remembered that guys comment on the youtube video. So I grabbed my jacket, only to lay my bike down a couple hours later. If I hadn't had my gear on, I would of needed skin grafts for sure.

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you know funny you should ask... It was one hot July day some time ago and I had been looking at you tube videos of motorcycle accidents. I remember one guy leaving a comment saying "better to wear gear and sweat than need a skin graft". Later that day I went out to ride with some guys, I started to walk out the door and was like should I go without my jacket since its in the 90s.... and then I remembered that guys comment on the youtube video. So I grabbed my jacket, only to lay my bike down a couple hours later. If I hadn't had my gear on, I would of needed skin grafts for sure.

Skin grafts are no joke. I had one last month and the shit still hurts.

It's funny you mention the thing about taking a jacket on a hot summer day. I wrecked in 2006 under the same set of circumstances coming back from the Dayton Air Show. I contemplated taking my jacket that day and it's a good thing I did.

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I have a JR speedmaster jacket that is perforated a bit, but I just say screw it and sweat my ass off. I always think to my self, "sweat wipes off, road rash doesn't." I just avoid stop and go traffic and stay on roads that I am constantly moving on to keep the wind going. Sweatings good for you as long as you stay hydrated. :)

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if it is too hot for leathers then it is too hot to ride

It's almost too hot to ride today... But I'll be honest, no jacket for me today. Silly and higher risk of injury if I fall down. I want some sun.

Gonna head down to Iron Pony next Sunday to get a nice breathing jacket.

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My trip to the meet and greet was a total of 489 miles and 15 hours. I wear one of those stupid dri-fit shirts and usually a t shirt. Not this ride though it was hot today. That textile jacket helps. Then my leather pants are hot but I like my skin where it is. My helmet is getting a bath!

Just stop a.lot, drink water and stretch. I'm home now and I want to go do it again. The ride out weighs the heat, if you take care of yourself. You want to ride in the hot and wear gear just take care of yourself along the way. Like you wear gear for your flesh, helmet for your head and water for the body.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That t-shirt your wearing will last all of about half a second and then your skin will create enough friction to slow you down eventually and then comes the risk of infection and happy happy joy joy and a big hurrah skin grafts!

Edited by Landlover
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I have a JR speedmaster jacket that is perforated a bit, but I just say screw it and sweat my ass off. I always think to my self, "sweat wipes off, road rash doesn't." I just avoid stop and go traffic and stay on roads that I am constantly moving on to keep the wind going. Sweatings good for you as long as you stay hydrated. :)

+1 I wear my leather jacket every trip. I've been tempted not to wear it on hot days. Like Nick said as long as you stay out of stop and go traffic its ok. I got caught in a traffic jam on I-275 earlier when it was in the 90"s. Sweat was running everywhere and my helmet was stifling. But...once we started moving it was things cooled off fast. I plan on buying a perforated jacket soon.

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