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Almost died today...


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On my way to work, I'm going down this rural road when I notice a yellow mustang at the top sign. This car makes the turn and gets in my lane. At first I thought he was just making a wide turn, so I let off the throttle. Next thing I know this guy is coming at me, in my lane. I get on the brakes and start losing traction. At the last minute, the guy swerves back over in his lane. I stop my bike and sit in the road trying to figure out what the heck just happened. Then I decide to go chase this guy down and ask him why he just tried to kill me. As this guy is pulling up to the stop sign, I pull along side of him and notice that it's a 80+ year old man. I ask him, "WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!" He then starts rambling about how there was gravel in the road and he had to make a wide turn. (You do that on motorcycles, not 4 wheeled vehicles) He kept saying he was sorry and whatnot. I told him that he needs to watch what the heck he is doing.

I'm just glad I'm alive.

That is all.

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glad you're alive too. My sister chased down a van that almost ran her off the road. 4 qtips got out of the van apologizing... old people... :nono: seriously though, it sucks when you're about to yell at the person then you realize its like your gramma.

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Had the same thing happen on the way home from work about 2 years ago. It was on a turn, I was doing about 55, and a car is coming at me head-on in my lane. I went through someone's front yard and out into a corn field, turned around and chased the guy down. It was a high school kid that pretty f'd up... drunk or high on something. I was so pissed that I knew I would hurt him bad, so I got on the bike and went home. I didn't want to go to jail for putting a minor in the hospital. I should have called the cops, but I was shaken up good and didn't have my cell on me.

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Glad you missed him or he missed you. Get over it.

There is only one person who is responsible for your safety. YOU.

I commute 315 every day. I have close calls daily, you trust no one, don't think anyone is going to do anything but not see you. You are invisible, drive and act like it.

You did the correct thing by slowing down and maneuvering to avoid him.

The incorrect thing by chasing and confronting him. He could have blown you away because he was in fear of his life. If your dead it is his side of the story verses yours, well your dead you don't have one.

Everyone of us need to remember that if we are luck we will all be old blue heads.

Beating an old man????? please.

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I didn't get this old being stupid.

With all the testosterone ladden talk on this board you should know that the next guy you walk up could be one of these gun toting idiots. I would kick his ass, shot him,broke his nose, popped this broke that. Bull.... Internet Bullys.


Lets talk could haves

He could have seen you racing to catch him. If it was me that is alarming

He could have seen you get off your bike. Very alarming to me.

He could have seen you approach the car on a back road. My gun is out and cocked

You reach for the door your dead.

He could have turned you in for road rage. Remember you approached him and he was just driving minding his own business. Your word against his irregardless of who is right. Who is the cop gonna believe?

"Well officer he came at so fast it was all I could do to try to get out of his way."

Just a thought.

DGTL Girl.....you shouldn't encourage this behavior. It does do motorcyclist any good and could quite possibly lead to him getting injured or killed.

Like I said, remember the experience, close calls are gods way of educating us.

You got off cheap with a good scare and a case of the shakes.

*sigh* Guess I'll let the cat out of the bag...

I'm a cop

I was in full uniform

I had my vest on

I have a gun

I have lots of bullets

I approach cars ALL day, EVERY day with the uncertainty of what is going to happen. I'm always prepared for someone to pull a gun and shoot me.

He saw me in my uniform WAY before I got to his car.

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This thread went...uhm... an entirely different direction.. even by OR standards.

DangBruh.. I'm glad Oldy McOldster missed you.

Not that it matters, but cop or no cop... (uhmm I ain't know you was 5-0... I GUESS we can still be pals... I'll make an exception LOL) I personally agree with you 100%. Sometimes these drivers need a quick learning experience. The fact that he's old just means that the 'talking-to' is coming better late than never.

I have had to have a friendly chat at a stoplight with the occasional soccer mom in a Yukon, applying mascara and talking on her cell phone while she narrowly avoids running me off the road. So.. what, because she is blonde with kids in the back, she's above an ass whoopin'? What about MY kids?

No, they don't like it. But how would that guy have felt if he had hit you and you were seriously hurt? You did him a favor by hopefully making him pay better attention next time.

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I'll tell you this... if I would have rolled up and the guy looked like he just got out of prison... I might not have stopped and said anything. :)

As far as the cop thing... I didn't want anyone to have reserved feelings towards me. I wanted everyone to hang out with me without thinking I might try to bust them on something.

Anyway, I created another thread, with me in uniform. OH NOES!

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Riding south on High st. a few weeks ago. Car came over (10mph) around the South Campus Gateway area. I had NOWHERE to go. So I kicked his car with my steel toe boots. Poor Mercedes, nice dent. We both pulled over and he tried yelling at me. Too bad I had 3 witnesses pull over with us and tell him he'd be screwed if he wanted to try to push the issue.

Edited by Lunatik3
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I kicked his car with my steel toe boots. Poor Mercedes, nice dent.

what's with dudes in mercedes not paying attention?

last M&G at Pig Iron, I was riding towards home following dweezel, and after dweez went by this mercedes, he tried to merge with me. Instinctively I kicked his door, and his eyes got huge when he looked over and seen me there. Dunno if I left a dent or not, but I got his attention.

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I would like to thank all of you who gave me negative rep.

I would like to thank the mods for deleting several of my posts.

The intent of my post was the it is a really bad idea to confront another driver while on two wheels.

Bushy should agree that it could have ended ugly.

Officer would you recommend your course of action to the rest of us civilian types here on Ohio rider?

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I would like to thank all of you who gave me negative rep.

I would like to thank the mods for deleting several of my posts.

The intent of my post was the it is a really bad idea to confront another driver while on two wheels.

Bushy should agree that it could have ended ugly.

Officer would you recommend your course of action to the rest of us civilian types here on Ohio rider?

nothing should be deleted... the bitching got moved to


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I would like to thank all of you who gave me negative rep.

I would like to thank the mods for deleting several of my posts.

The intent of my post was the it is a really bad idea to confront another driver while on two wheels.

Bushy should agree that it could have ended ugly.

Officer would you recommend your course of action to the rest of us civilian types here on Ohio rider?

I can appreciate your point of view. Not everyone feels the same way I do. That is ok. Yes, you are absolutely right... It could have ended ugly no matter how prepared I was. That is the path that I chose. I chose that path reguardless of what the outcome was. Some people say that riding a motorcycle is stupid and you take a chance with death every day. I believe it's the same thing.

Would I recommend my course of action to the rest of OR? I wouldn't recommend anything to anyone. "You do you and I'll do me." If you don't believe that was the best option, I can respect that. That is the option I chose.

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