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so i hit a concrete wall today...


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last session of the day at Mid Ohio in advanced, combination of me getting a little overconfident and thinking i could make it stick with trying to get on the gas earlier and harder and seeing what would happen.

resulted in a smashed frame slider and a slightly bent rearset..enough to bind up the shift linkage against the frame so i couldn't shift. Not a scratch on the bodywork amazingly. I was done for the session obviously. Overall, very good day and ill post more videos once i get them sorted.

ps this view is for likwid ;)

Wow. Much respect gained for keeping the bike up like that man! Nice job. Keep at it. Just don't turn into a Ricky Bobby on a bike. :cheers:

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not quite sur how the hell you kept it upright! how fast were you going when you went off the track? Rep for the skillz.

i dont know, i don't look at the speedo. Thanks, luck or skillz im not sure.

didnt you just start doing track days this year? you were passing poeple so it seems you are where you should be but damn your catching on quick..

first track day was a year ago yesterday, but this is only my third trackday ever. A lot of the instructors were impressed with my riding and everyone said i looked good. Now that i am advanced i have a whole new level of learning to rise up to, man those guys are fast. But i have a clear track most of the time, and when there is traffic they are fast, so i can work on lines and putting segments together.

Wow... that front in was dancing like a damn belly dancer on crack!

Way to keep it upright and off the ground! How is that bodywork holding up for ya??

ya she was! Bodywork is holding up just fine thanks! There is actually not a scratch on it, believe it or not...

Glad you you wasn't hurt bud.

I followed you through every turn watching that video and knew once you hit the keyhole that it would happen there. I HATE THAT TURN! :lol:

I used to hate it and the carousel, but the past two times i have started to really like them, although they are still challenging to get right.

Hella good save! Glad you made it! :)

Thanks dude!

Going through the sand trap was some scary looking shit

It was very iffy.

Good job keepin it up. Get the other vids posted :D Vid looks great btw! you must have done a good job mounting it, very lil vibrations. Is that the pace of intermediate? what kind of laptimes did you have?

Actually it did bounce a little bit the first time i did the video, but then the guy i garaged with tried using a small piece of torn off paper towel as a spacer between the perma mount and clip in and worked beautifully!

That is advanced group, from the rest of that video that pack of 4 i was in we were running :44-46s. I supposedly had a :42 at one point based on a friend timing me on the pitwall, but i have yet to find that lap.

Either way i dropped 4 seconds off my pace and was high :44's when i moved into A group. Traffic is a killer to your laptimes.

Damn, Nice save! Way to not panic and lock a break up!

Loose on the grips, let the bike do what it wants and you'll make it through. Actually it was just luck...

nice save nathan! You are looking really good on the track, keep it up man!

Reminds me of the off i had on Mills rd during the rain storm lol. When you getting to the track! You've got all that gear just sitting there...

Wow. Much respect gained for keeping the bike up like that man! Nice job. Keep at it. Just don't turn into a Ricky Bobby on a bike. :cheers:

I wanna go fast!

Nice job keeping the bike upright. With the front end dancing around like that, I thought you would be on the ground for sure.

I didn't want to break my new camera lol.

Edited by natedogg624
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Wondered what happened there. Saw you walking away and figured it was blown or out of gas. Did you jump through a camera/escape hole in the fence? I appreciate you doing as I ask in Rider's Meeting and get away from the bike and go to safety. I'm also glad to see you're good and the bike is fine.

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Wondered what happened there. Saw you walking away and figured it was blown or out of gas. Did you jump through a camera/escape hole in the fence? I appreciate you doing as I ask in Rider's Meeting and get away from the bike and go to safety. I'm also glad to see you're good and the bike is fine.

Yea i went to the escape hole, although of course ihad to come to a stop exactly halfway between the two options lol. also didt want to risk coming out in front of you guys especially close to the fastest part of the backstraight.

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Nice save, and awesome view.

I somehow managed to jump the yellow curbing and go into the grass in the left hander before the carousel. The front end was all over the place and I thought I was going down for sure, but I got it back on the track. Nothing like yours though.

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