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ACLU sending America to hell in a handbag


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when I read stories like this I can't help but be reminded that America is going to hell in a handbag... quick


this shouldn't even be tying up our judicial system, let alone jail time? gtfo

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So let me get this straight, if asked to pray at school I can't b/c that might offend someone, yet isn't that restricting my rights?

you dont have a right to free speech and freedom to express you faith when it comes to public settings. i'm still waiting for See You At The Pole to come under fire.

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this shouldn't even be tying up our judicial system, let alone jail time? gtfo

its jail time for violating the terms of the previous settlement. that would happen to anyone. if you agree to the terms of a suit, and then go violate those terms, you can go to jail too.

the original suit terms:

bar all school employees from promoting or sponsoring prayers during school-sponsored events; holding school events at church venues when a secular alternative was available; or promoting their religious beliefs or attempting to convert students in class or during school-sponsored events.

IMO if you want to pray in school, thats fine. do it in a private school.

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It would be nice if people actually used reason in their life instead of superstition. I could never grasp the concept of prayer anyways. If there is a god then he/she either created the conditions that would require someone to pray(suffering, uncertainty) either out of malice or perhaps to remind us that we fucked up in The Garden Of Eden. Not to mention the fact that if you believe in the myth of the human soul, praying matters very little since when you die, you will be taken away to an eternal paradise which if it exists, makes your life on Earth meaningless. What is a short span of time, say 80yrs, compared to an eternal existence after death?

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its jail time for violating the terms of the previous settlement. that would happen to anyone. if you agree to the terms of a suit, and then go violate those terms, you can go to jail too.

the original suit terms:

bar all school employees from promoting or sponsoring prayers during school-sponsored events; holding school events at church venues when a secular alternative was available; or promoting their religious beliefs or attempting to convert students in class or during school-sponsored events.

IMO if you want to pray in school, thats fine. do it in a private school.

I agree, you'll get a better education that way too.... public education sucks on ice!!! I wouldn't send my kids to public school if I was broke, homeless, and dying.... I'd find a way to get them the BEST education in the land....and while we are at it QUIT taking MY money to fund this crap institution!!! I believe in GOD so therefore my money shouldn't go to fund public education, it'd be used to promote my Beliefs I insist.... Edited by cmoosego
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I believe in GOD so therefore my money shouldn't go to fund public education, it'd be used to promote my Beliefs I insist....

I have no problem with anyone believing what they want, but that statement doesn't make sense to me. Could be the way I'm reading it, I dunno...

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I have no problem with anyone believing what they want, but that statement doesn't make sense to me. Could be the way I'm reading it, I dunno...

it'd kinda be like taking a lobbyist's money ( at least that's how I see it) once you take my money I expect you to run the school as I would have it run.... I think that's a fair expectation considering how much we all dump ( literally) into the education system.... it should be run as the "funding" demands.... I just don't like the way they cloud up education with all the added crap, and kids aren't getting educated....

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I'm not sure what stuff you're referring to is clouding up kids' education in public schools. I think the major reason education in general isn't as good as it should be (this includes some private schools) is because the standards are low. We don't teach our children anything difficult in school; the levels of math, science and literature are all way below what they are capable of learning. They aren't pushed to learn things that might not be easy to understand. It seems as if some shiatty lowest common denominator has to be met so someone's precious little snow flake doesn't get their feelings hurt when they don't succeed or when they actually have to work at something.

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IMO if you want to pray in school, thats fine. do it in a private school.

if you want to pray in school, you're welcome to it, but you do it on your own time (like the meeting at the pole) and it shouldn't be a part of the alotted class time or initiated by the faculty/staff...

For what it's worth students can pray in public school all they want. The ACLU isn't doing anything wrong here.


how would you feel if the faculty/staff was hosting prayers for other religions? Hosting prayers to allah/zeus/quetzacoatl/satan during school functions? I believe you'd be pretty pissed...

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