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Open Carry at an Obama rally

max power

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A bud sent me this link. A couple guys in Arizona made the news carrying an AR-15 and handguns at an Obama appearance.

Hilarity ensues.


lots of pics at towards the bottom of the page.

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They had folx both on the patriotic side and the anti-president side, openly carrying. Perfectly legal in Arizona. *shrugs*

Although it's a perfect opportunity for the Secret Service to run your face through it's Facial Recognition software.. as long as you got nothing to hide.. do what you do.

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meh nothing news worthy about the guys with their handguns open carried especially in Arizona. The AR-15 though screams attention whore especially at a protest over health care. If it where a town hall where there was discussion over gun ownership rights sure, but here it acts as nothing but a distraction to the issue at hand.

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  ChickOn2 said:
Matter of fact, in Arizona, Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, New Mexico, Kentucky, Vermont, West Virginny and Virginny.. you can open carry all day long, no license is required.

As it should be everywhere.

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  fusion said:
meh nothing news worthy about the guys with their handguns open carried especially in Arizona. The AR-15 though screams attention whore especially at a protest over health care. If it where a town hall where there was discussion over gun ownership rights sure, but here it acts as nothing but a distraction to the issue at hand.

+1, and that's kind of the point. I'm for people having rights, but to demonstrate them for no other reason than "because I can" is kind of a dick move in this instance.

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No more of a dick move than you expressing your first amendment rights of free speech.

This was at a presidential rally and he has the ability to sway gun rights for a long time, the guy could have seen this as his only chance for an audience with the president. I would hope that the president is not only putting his efforts toward heath care but other things as well and this guy might not be happy with the president’s efforts so far pertaining to the second amendment.

I don't know but I will guess that him openly carrying at a "health care rally" might be something of a statement to the effect that the second amendment is there as a means to protect the others. Some people are not taking kindly to the government’s intrusion into their lives or a takeover of a large percentage of the economy and maybe it was just his way of making a statement without saying a word. Maybe he was telling them to watch their step.

I'm not saying that this stupid government health care scheme is violating any of the amendments but it certainly is an intrusion into our lives.

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These folks never came near the President. Yes, they were 'outside' the Town Hall or whatever meeting his was having, but they were never allowed 'on-site'. Any where the Secret Service is protecting the President is considered a federal 'site' and open carry, or carry of any kind is not allowed.

They got their point across...but best believe they were being closely watched.

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  Rod38um said:
Glad to see people out exercising their rights........ Wonder what happens when the laws start changing to demonize gun owners? Like fingerprinting, license for ownership, taxing and so on..... you know its coming......

God I hope youre wrong. Im pretty sure youre right but i hope to hell we are wrong.

Im glad to see they were out there representing our rights!

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