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One plus side to the ADV and dual sport bikes is that you can stand up on the pegs and still be in control. I find that when I am in a bad spot or low visability situation I get noticed much easier standing on the pegs. And if an officer gives me shit for it I'll fight it in court with video of off road riders in full control of their bikes while not on the seat! Something the AMA should consider supporting.

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One plus side to the ADV and dual sport bikes is that you can stand up on the pegs and still be in control. I find that when I am in a bad spot or low visability situation I get noticed much easier standing on the pegs. And if an officer gives me shit for it I'll fight it in court with video of off road riders in full control of their bikes while not on the seat! Something the AMA should consider supporting.

I've been known to stand up on my pegs from time to time. Especially on dark country highways. But the last useful time was trying to see if there was an easy path to lane split during I-70/I-270 gridlock @ Brice road during rush hour.

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...trying to see if there was an easy path to lane split during I-70/I-270 gridlock @ Brice road during rush hour.

:nono: Not legal here, and people WILL try and turn into you cause

they are not happy with what you're doing. Don't do it. Turn off the engine and wait like everyone else.

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Awsome? What's so awsome about guys in t-shirts, shorts and no helmet busting between cars at 70+ mph when half the drivers are imigrants who don't even have a license or a clue how to drive? Lane splitting is undefined in Ohio according to the AMA. It is supposedly kept this way so that officers have the ability to determine if it is being done dangerously and with disreguard for safety. In so much as traffic is at a stand still, supposedly a rider could ride between the cars at 5-10 mph to seek an exit ramp. I doubt any officer will cut you slack for busting between cars doing 55mph because you wanna do 85mph.:rolleyes:

Not that it is legal, but I will lane split if a situation becomes unsafe. Nothing like being stuck behind a driver who won't pass in the left lane and creates a line of frustrated cages gunning for top pole possition cutting eachother off and making dangerous lane changes. In that situation I have been known to make a run for the open road instead of remaining trapped in the I-70 version of death match 2000! :D

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Awsome? What's so awsome about guys in t-shirts, shorts and no helmet busting between cars at 70+ mph when half the drivers are imigrants who don't even have a license or a clue how to drive? Lane splitting is undefined in Ohio according to the AMA. It is supposedly kept this way so that officers have the ability to determine if it is being done dangerously and with disreguard for safety. In so much as traffic is at a stand still, supposedly a rider could ride between the cars at 5-10 mph to seek an exit ramp. I doubt any officer will cut you slack for busting between cars doing 55mph because you wanna do 85mph.:rolleyes:

Not that it is legal, but I will lane split if a situation becomes unsafe. Nothing like being stuck behind a driver who won't pass in the left lane and creates a line of frustrated cages gunning for top pole possition cutting eachother off and making dangerous lane changes. In that situation I have been known to make a run for the open road instead of remaining trapped in the I-70 version of death match 2000! :D

There is no reference to lane splitting but there is a law "lanes and lines" i think is what its called. Anyway, it says one vehicle per lane at a time, other than 2 motorcycles being able to ride side by side. So if you lane split your are taking up part of their lane and if you are riding down the center line, you aren't in a lane technically. Not saying I havent done this (don't mean doing 120mph down 270) but you have to be careful. Cagers here in Ohio aren't used to bikes doing this and can freak out making it more dangerous than just following them for awhile doing 45 as much as that may suck.

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+1 I've split lanes twice, both times I was on rt33 near Marysville. First time was two cars doing about 55mph, one just passed the other, so I down shifted and shot through (maybe not real lane splitting). The last time I had a truck in the right lane and blocker in the left. I was directly behind the blocker with several cages coming up on my six repeatedly trying to push her forward to pass. I decided it was better for me to split the lane and clear the situation instead of having the impatient driver behind me rear end me. The truck driver knew what I was going to do and pulled right so I could have a clear shot out of there, I waved once clear and he tooted his horn. Old lady remained next to the truck for as long as I could see blocking the left lane slowing down when the truck would and speeding up when it would try to escape the situation. Not sure why rt33 near Marysville has been such a trouble area for me. Especially the section from 161 West towards Scotts Lawn Dr.

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...Old lady remained next to the truck for as long as I could see blocking the left lane slowing down when the truck would and speeding up when it would try to escape the situation. Not sure why rt33 near Marysville has been such a trouble area for me. Especially the section from 161 West towards Scotts Lawn Dr.

Its all the people that work @ Honda in Marysville! They FLY down 33 like they fricken own that stretch of highway. That old lady probably lives out that way and is tired of getting run off the road by the white jumpsuits on their way to/from work! It happens to me all the time. I drive a company work van with "big brother gps" installed, so I DON'T speed, and I constantly get people stacked up behind me on 33 as I take my time in the left lane as I pass trucks in the right lane, it may take me a few minutes/miles before I get back over in the right lane, by that time I got a dozen or more pissed off Honda employees behind me. I just laugh and wave. Leave for work earlier people, then you wouldn't have to do 75+ getting there.

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