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Do you know a couple of guys that ride together and live around Cbus or Delaware, one rides a sliver SV1000 with matching helmet and textile jacket and the other guy rides a yellow early model honda cbr 929 or 954 with a slip on, no gear just a pair of MC Hammer parachute pants and safety glasses.

Spend as much quality time with them as possible cause if they keep riding the way they were the other night on 270 its only a matter of time before they are 6' under.

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somebody has to keep Darwin busy

Ha well it won't be for long. We are all guilty of opening up on our favorite strecth of road, some of us even in less than favorable conditions. But I have never seen anyone make an effort to dive into traffic using the cars as one would use cones during a high speed slalom test. These guys had 3 clean and clear lanes on 270 at 230am until they came up to traffic merging from the cleveland ave exit. Instead of maintaining a straight course they slowed slightly and dove into the merging traffic. Fucking idiots. Its riders like these that give us a bad name

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