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Do you think it should show who the rep came from?  

138 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think it should show who the rep came from?

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But 'ya didn't, 'cause you're too slow & nothin' but a useless slug of a newbie

I bet Im not only older than you, but I bet I have had a computer and the interwebz longer than you.

who's the n00b?...n00b.

oh, and my schwanz is far bigger than yours too, and my bike is faster, and my house is bigger, and my car is faster, and my truck is more offroady than yours.

So HA! :tongue:

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awww, fonz... hugz next time, promise... remind me... :)

jrm, thanks for the rules... at least YOU have a little decency... i'm here poppin pain meds havin fonz the i-wanna-be-an-asshole-too bitchin at me for not giving him more attention.


Nakid..... WITH bewb rubbage?!?

And quit braggin' about havin' pain medz, you freakin' show off!!

Must be doin' somethin' right, if I'M the a$$hole now, and Justin's Mr. Chivalrous

Plussss..... My theory's correct. My reps gotten more action in the last hour than a fluff chick on a porn set

I knew there was going to be a rainbow at the end of this storm...I don't know if I should start the slow clap or just get up and leave.:puke:

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Mj sex change??? Y ruin perfection fonz??

wheez... no chick/woman/pre-op/post-op/female is perfect. trust me. For example, MJ's thighs aren't proportional to the rest of her legs

err shoot... hasn't been 3 days.. j/k, I <3 you, and :D... okay, I'm in the clear now, right?

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wheez... no chick/woman/pre-op/post-op/female is perfect. trust me. For example, MJ's thighs aren't proportional to the rest of her legs

what???:eek: is this before or after my surgery, bc i lost 7 lbs this week, mostly in my thighs... they might be proportional now.

err shoot... hasn't been 3 days.. j/k, I <3 you, and :D... okay, I'm in the clear now, right?

you're in the clear if you take care of all those taint rubs magz offered up.

Edited by OsuMj
sneaky bastard.
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what???:eek: is this before or after my surgery, bc i lost 7 lbs this week, mostly in my thighs... they might be proportional now.

:lol: wow, that got a quick response! I was just kidding about the thighs, not about the perfection comment. No one is perfect*

*except me

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Wrillo u have no clue what perfection is being as you like jailbate like Kay. So how is that jailbate wrillo???

wheez... again, I have to school you. 18 isn't jail bate brother!

additionally, all I did was invite her to the meet and greet.

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:lol: wow, that got a quick response! I was just kidding about the thighs, not about the perfection comment. No one is perfect*

*except me

uh huh...:beating: you better watch it kiddo, i think i'm still bigger than you.


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If I turn in all my forum Rep Points and all my Yahoo! Answers Points, what can I get?

you can get a free taint rub, from yourself... wooo!! congrats!

No. See, that's how you know something is WAAAAY wrong if I come out of something looking like Mr. Chivalrous. :cool:

awww, you're such a sweetheart. still <3 u . :lol:

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uh huh...:beating: you better watch it kiddo, i think i'm still bigger than you.


what? no you're not! I have an easy 45-50 pounds on you

The one being held after the Pig Iron...

...at his apartment

...on his penis.

don't have an apartment, and my penis is too small for a meet and great :dunno:

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Mj sex change??? Y ruin perfection fonz??

Mj you look great!

OK Wheezey..... Once I let slide, but now you're just gheyin' up my a$$hole thread with all your fawning & puppy love

Slap your rubber down on her lap & ask her if she wants some of that..... Or GTFO!! wrapit.gif

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I don't want any of that from MJ, she is to good of a friend to even think of that! Mj is awesome at what she does and who she is, I like her just being my friend instead of a relationship that may not work out and there goes the friendship when things go south.

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