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"Sons of Anarchy"


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Speakin' of Peg Bundy..... Is that chest scar Katey's or Gemma's??

Gemma's. Jax's brother died when he was born...preemie and heart problems. The heart problems come from Gemma's side and that scar looks typical what you have when you have open heart surgery.

There was a scene last season when Jax's baby was having his problems and Gemma said something about the 'family curse' and she touched the scar on her chest as she said it.

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HOLY CRAP!! Did you guys know Clay is Hellboy & Vincent from "Beauty & the Beast"?!? :eek:

Talk about more work than you can handle........


Yep. Just started watching this season. I wish I would have been on board last season but wrote it off due to the previews. The scar might be Katey's, she had some serious health issues a few years back (cancer?).

Edited by cmh_sprint
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either way 50% is a good shot for fonz :lol:

So you're sayin' I got a shot with you B-ry?!? ;)


Hey..... Who's this Gohen(sp) that Jax asks the Fed lady if she's heard from lately, that got such a strong reaction out of her? Is that who beat the snot out of her at the beginning of the season when she dropped Bobby back at the clubhouse?

And who's the black sheriff that got shot by the tranny tonight, & what's his connection to the club? Did they say he died.... Couldn't hear? I saw him in one of the earlier episodes this season too

Alright..... 'Fess up..... Who was rootin' for Jax & who was rootin' for Clay?? :cool:

Personally...... I was hopin' Jax was gonna choke his a$$ OUT!! :popcorn:

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I wanted Jax to beat his ass for sure. I'm thinkin Jax is gonna back off though, I think he really does respect Bobby's opinion.

I also think Hale is gonna help SAMCRO take down Zoebelle, and as a last guess I am gonna say that Piney ends up killing Clay or Tig by seasons end.

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So you're sayin' I got a shot with you B-ry?!? ;)


Hey..... Who's this Gohen(sp) that Jax asks the Fed lady if she's heard from lately, that got such a strong reaction out of her? Is that who beat the snot out of her at the beginning of the season when she dropped Bobby back at the clubhouse?

And who's the black sheriff that got shot by the tranny tonight, & what's his connection to the club? Did they say he died.... Couldn't hear? I saw him in one of the earlier episodes this season too

Alright..... 'Fess up..... Who was rootin' for Jax & who was rootin' for Clay?? :cool:

Personally...... I was hopin' Jax was gonna choke his a$$ OUT!! :popcorn:

Too many questions to answer here. lol Best bet is do what I did and go online and watch all of season 1. Heres a spoiler for you to. Sam Crow is not really a guy. lol

I am all for Jax.

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So you're sayin' I got a shot with you B-ry?!? ;)


Hey..... Who's this Gohen(sp) that Jax asks the Fed lady if she's heard from lately, that got such a strong reaction out of her? Is that who beat the snot out of her at the beginning of the season when she dropped Bobby back at the clubhouse?

And who's the black sheriff that got shot by the tranny tonight, & what's his connection to the club? Did they say he died.... Couldn't hear? I saw him in one of the earlier episodes this season too

Alright..... 'Fess up..... Who was rootin' for Jax & who was rootin' for Clay?? :cool:

Personally...... I was hopin' Jax was gonna choke his a$$ OUT!! :popcorn:

I was going to ask about Gohen/Cohen too!

Black sheriff lived

I was rooting for Jax :)

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I wanted Jax to beat his ass for sure. I'm thinkin Jax is gonna back off though, I think he really does respect Bobby's opinion.

I also think Hale is gonna help SAMCRO take down Zoebelle, and as a last guess I am gonna say that Piney ends up killing Clay or Tig by seasons end.

Agree with all this Matt. I too, think he respects Bobby's opinion, although that may change once he finds out Bobby's helpin' LuAnn/LuElla(sp) hide the 2 sets of books she's keepin

Who you guys think Bobby's gonna side with, if he "Picks a corner"? I have an opinion, but wanna see what you guys think

If Piney's one of the founders with Jax's dad.... How come Clay is the leader? I can't believe Piney hasn't killed him already, since he obviously knows what happened to his DIL.

Was reading up some on Wiki........ Did Clay kill Jax's dad? Is that insinuated in Season 1? Wiki kinda implied Gemma either knew about it, or condoned it???

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Now that I think about it though......

Piney must not know that Tig was his DIL's trigger man, or he wouldn't have helped spring him with the flatbed from those bounty hunters

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So you're sayin' I got a shot with you B-ry?!? ;)


Hey..... Who's this Gohen(sp) that Jax asks the Fed lady if she's heard from lately, that got such a strong reaction out of her? Is that who beat the snot out of her at the beginning of the season when she dropped Bobby back at the clubhouse?

And who's the black sheriff that got shot by the tranny tonight, & what's his connection to the club? Did they say he died.... Couldn't hear? I saw him in one of the earlier episodes this season too

Alright..... 'Fess up..... Who was rootin' for Jax & who was rootin' for Clay?? :cool:

Personally...... I was hopin' Jax was gonna choke his a$$ OUT!! :popcorn:

Well, you really need to watch the show more often, bud... you're asking about MAJOR plot lines here.

Cohen is an ATF agent that was stalking the Doc. She used to have a relationship with him when they lived in Chicago. She came back to Charming to escape him because he was turning violent and took out a restraining order. He ignores it, starts going after SAMCRO and does some vile shit to Jax because he knows he's with the doc. Jax escalates the situation, first by shooting out his radiator, then beating the shit out of Cohen in a barber shop (which the barber claims Cohen started lolz).

During this, it comes out that he's "on vacation" and the department thinks he's in Arizona or something. The female ATF agent and Hale kick Cohen out of town and supposedly drive him to the airport with Jax looking on.

Cohen comes back that night, breaks into the doc's place and tries to rape her... one of the creepier scenes in television, imho. She tricks him into a feeling of calmness, then grabs his gun and shoots him in the stomach. She calls Jax over, and as he's cursing at her, "once a biker slut, always a biker slut," Jax gets all :mad: and shoots him in the head. Then they make sweet love on the bed as his body cools on the floor scant feet away. :metal:

Jax later burns the body and initially tries to burn his father's manuscript on top of the body. He then thinks better of it and pulls it out, but it's halfway burned. This is the copy that Gemma is now reading.

The black officer is Trammell, who has ties to SOA as "help."

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Well, you really need to watch the show more often, bud... you're asking about MAJOR plot lines here.

Cool.... Thanx Ry.... Appreciate all the details! Rep for you

Like I said..... I totally missed Season 1, and not sure when I'll have the time to go back & pick it up, so your writeup is very helpful

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...... Did Clay kill Jax's dad? Is that insinuated in Season 1? Wiki kinda implied Gemma either knew about it, or condoned it???

That has me puzzled also. The conversation on how his dad was weak and afraid to take care of business left me cornfused.

Any ideas out there?

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Agree with all this Matt. I too, think he respects Bobby's opinion, although that may change once he finds out Bobby's helpin' LuAnn/LuElla(sp) hide the 2 sets of books she's keepin

Who you guys think Bobby's gonna side with, if he "Picks a corner"? I have an opinion, but wanna see what you guys think

If Piney's one of the founders with Jax's dad.... How come Clay is the leader? I can't believe Piney hasn't killed him already, since he obviously knows what happened to his DIL.

Was reading up some on Wiki........ Did Clay kill Jax's dad? Is that insinuated in Season 1? Wiki kinda implied Gemma either knew about it, or condoned it???

I dont think Bobby is helping her keep 2 books i think the "favor" she did was for him to not tell anyone that it had happened but she still stopped doing it.

I think Bobby would be on Clay's side because he is loyal to the club as a whole not any one person and Clay is the president.

Piney has a lot of trust in Jax as shown by him giving Jax a copy of his dads manuscripts. Jax said he will take care of it and Piney believes him.

From what i have read and been told it seems that Clay and Gemma plotted to kill Jax's dad and he ended up getting hit by a semi while riding, wether it is coincidence or not is never disclosed.

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I dont think Bobby is helping her keep 2 books i think the "favor" she did was for him to not tell anyone that it had happened but she still stopped doing it.

I think you're right, but he'd made the comment about how much money she'd embezzled in the past that could'a/should'a been the clubs now

I think Bobby would be on Clay's side because he is loyal to the club as a whole not any one person and Clay is the president.
Based on the way they split up at the end of last night, with Jax headin' to the garage by himself, I'm inclined to agree. Plus..... Bobby told him Clay's "earned" the way he acts. Seemed like he too was askin' Jax to back off, like Ope did
Piney has a lot of trust in Jax as shown by him giving Jax a copy of his dads manuscripts. Jax said he will take care of it and Piney believes him.
Ahhhh..... So that's why Piney hasn't killed Clay himself already
From what i have read and been told it seems that Clay and Gemma plotted to kill Jax's dad and he ended up getting hit by a semi while riding, wether it is coincidence or not is never disclosed.
Gemma seems hard, but not completely heartless. Jax's dad seems OK from what they've read of those manuscripts so far. Why would she be involved in wanting her husband killed? That's pretty heartless if it's just 'cause she wanted to taste some different dick

And why was Jax burning the manuscripts to begin with?

Really wish I had the time to go back & pick up Season 1 :rolleyes:

Edited by Fonzie
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This show falls under, "oh I forgot that was on", yet never look for it. Can you jump in the middle of a season and figure out whats going on? I have seen a few.

I completely missed Season 1

Never even heard of the show until I started seein' the previews this summer

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