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I'm a victim of racism (I'm white)


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Hey now people call me whitey all the time. Oh wait that is my name.

Anyway on a more serious note,was he attempting to do a compression test of the engine and got pissed because he thought you were accusing him of stealing the plug? Seriously what is the big deal?

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im sure you didnt wake up this morning and imagine that happening. kind of sucks your energy dry. the first time happening 4 u , realistically the man making a scene doesnt speak for all of course. but yeah, very sad actually, and awkward for you and your customer.

if someone wants to call me a white bitch or whetta or some derogatory caucasian remark, i seriously could give a rats ass. in fact i might blow them a kiss back cause im so sweet... but the kkk or the neo nazis, well they just make me want to vomit.

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i might blow them a kiss back cause im so sweet...

Awww. :D

When i was 18...i worked at Value City as a cashier. I had a black guy pay for something all in change. No problem...except when i went to reach my hand out for the change, he raises his arm up....and drops it all on the counter. As not too touch my hand.:wtf:

I'm not racist, we're all human beings. Some people forget that.

That sucks man. I'm pretty sure...i would have still gotten in the dude's face.

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I get that stuff from time to time as well... its life. And to the guy who said busas are black men's bikes, statistically I see more ethnic african americans riding and calling for parts for Kawasakis, but after that its the Busas.

On a somewhat unrelated note I read an interesting thought on a TL1000 site -

British guy basically saying he's tired of submitting to random drug tests at work while the recipients of his taxes (i.e. welfare warriors) don't even have to submit to drug tests to receive the benefits ie gov't handouts.

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Yeah, the racial comments towards you were uncalled for. There may have been something else behind the anger and you may just have caught it. White males are about the only unprotected group at this time in our history, and it it socially acceptable to bash us(to a point) now.

Look at TV nowadays, any type of humor based on stupidity are either white males, and to a lesser degree, black males that have what would be considered white traits.

Who gives a fuck though, I guess the past 1000 years of thinking we were is over, anger over it is just wasted energy.

Racism is still a serious problem throughout the world, the US sees a lot of it because of we have such a varied culture. Go the south one day, the racial divide that is still there amazes me. Ignorant fucking hillbillies.

I don't care who you are, every single person is guilty of it at one time or another.

I don't even think it's racism per say, but more xenophobia, because we lash out at what we don't understand. It will never change until humans are all a light mocha, which may not be that far off.

I think the biggest thing that people need to do is try to give someone a chance before judging them. If someone is in your opinion an asshole, (which is more likely if they are of a different race or creed than you), fine, don't like them.

Let them prove they are dicks first, and just not assume it because of a skin color.

I grew up in small redneck town, but in a strangely diverse neighborhood. Ina town of 5000 people that was 90% white, I happened to have a few black and Asian kids in my neighborhood. I think when you are too young to see the differences opens up a person's mind and takes the strangeness of other cultures away when they become an adult. Maybe that's why I think the way I do.

Saying that, I think in this day and age more minorities are racist(at least in this part of the country) than Caucasians. I think this is because of economics and education more than anything, and it is unfortunate that some minorities fit into this scenario . Most white racists would be fit in here as well.

Maybe it is more of class thing than a race thing?

Damn, I'm getting preachy with my posts tonight. WTF? I got way off the actual topic of this thread. :rolleyes:

Just give people the benefit of the doubt before judging is all I can say. :D

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soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo can i call them and ask the person who answers the phone if i can be a MF'ing Whitey Cracka ass *****? cause the only new part from what i hear from the inmates at work is the MF'ing part. otherwise im probably everything they say i am because well im the minority :)

Edit: on a side note i can type out MF'er and not have it ****** out but the WORD ***** is ***** and thats not the "N" bomb....

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soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo can i call them and ask the person who answers the phone if i can be a MF'ing Whitey Cracka ass *****? cause the only new part from what i hear from the inmates at work is the MF'ing part. otherwise im probably everything they say i am because well im the minority :)

Edit: on a side note i can type out MF'er and not have it ****** out but the WORD ***** is ***** and thats not the "N" bomb....

What the fuck are you talkin about?

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@ the OP: I am really sorry that happened to you, darlin'... I guess it's up to me to redeem the black race for them.

But since it was only ONE incident (as opposed to the lifetime of racist boolsheet most black folx have to deal with), I will only service ONE of the following: taint, left ball, inner elbow. Let me know which one you prefer :lol:

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