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Any chance at an OR trackday for 2010?


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Hellz yeah!!! Gingerman is a super challenging short track!!! Boys and girls you better get into shape if you actually plan on running full 20min. Sessions all day :D

not as "short" as it used to be, if they finish the revisions to the back straight and penultimate turn.

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Its not too far man... u can come up with us.. We should have an open slot for ya..

I'm actually doing Barber on 6th and 7th, Grattan on the 14th and Gingerman on the 16th! WEEEEEE!

Lol may is going to sooooooo much fun..lots of motorcycle time and traveling:cool:

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277 mi – about 4 hours 39 mins

That is a MUCH longer drive than MidOh or Nelson :(

Ok, break it down like I stated in the ride share thread...

3 guys split 3 ways.

Call it 600 miles round trip. About 2 tanks of fuel. 36 gallons at $2.75 (We will use diesel as it is higher. Regular is going to probably be about $2.55-ish). That's $200 in fuel. Or, $67 each.

Hotel on Friday vs. driving up to Mid-Oh or Nelson as you'd drive up early morning, right? That's $90. Or, about $30 each.

Now, the cost of food, hotel on Saturday night, etc are all the same.

Mid-Oh... It will be about 100 miles round trip. Call it $50 in fuel round trip.

SOOOOO... By yourself at Mid-Ohio, you have the following:

1) $50 fuel

2) $195 in track day

Total is $245.

You and two buddies go to Gingerman:

1) $67 for fuel

2) $30 hotel share for Friday

3) $100 track day.

Even if you take the fuel out of the equation for Mid-Ohio, it's pretty much the same cost, but you get a different track and different ways to do a track day. You can still do Mid-Ohio. Not saying to never go there and if Nelson is your cup of tea, it is only 115 miles closer one way. You'll have less in a track day there than Mid-Ohio ($150 vs $195), but the fuel will be an issue. Plus, Nelson ain't no cream puff. The improvements at Gingerman are gonna be great.

Basically, it becomes a wash, but people look at it like it is traveling to Europe when in fact, the cost of the day and the amount of money it takes to drive there and back can be affordable if they think it through...

It's only time from you to drive really. Time will net a different track that offers different challenges and that will help build your skill set. Being a one track wonder like some guys are (and they aren't really improving at that) is fine, but in the end, getting in multiple tracks will make you better overall and when you DO go back to Mid-O or Nelson, you'll be ahead of the curve.

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Its not too far man... u can come up with us.. We should have an open slot for ya..

I'm actually doing Barber on 6th and 7th, Grattan on the 14th and Gingerman on the 16th! WEEEEEE!

As we have talked and I have also mentioned to Nick, we can trailer up as a group with my rig. As long as you guys are cool with chipping in and such.

As for Barber, I am still on the fence and will need to see if Monte needs me somewhere that weekend. If not, I may just schedule it in and try to get there.

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Well, if anyone wants to share a ride there.. I might be able to swing it.

I have no equipment though, so I could split the gas/hotel in your favor to make up for the fact we're taking your equipment.

Atta boy. There's PLENTY of guys with trucks/cars/vans that can hold at least 3 passengers with gear. At worse, 2 guys and two bikes...

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You get paid to drive? I need that gig.:D

i get paid for the things i do while others are driving me.

with my mouth.

deep from the back of my throat.



what did you people think i was gonna say? sick fucks.


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Guys and Gals

We will have call-in registration up and going tomorrow. Pre-entry price is $100 up until 15 day prior to the event and then post-entry pricing of $115 kicks in.

This is gonna sell out for sure so don't drag your feet.

Groups are Novice, Intermediate and Advanced.

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