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The abortion thread - if you dare ;-)


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I'm not sure I follow. Are you suggesting that aborting a child is a necessary function in society?

in our current society? I'm tempted to say yes.

I don't like abortion, but statistically, it lowers the crime rate, lowers welfare and other 'social service' costs, and allows for more people to hold jobs and pay taxes.

"necessary" can easily be a point of contention, but abortion certainly helps our current society function with fewer financial burdens. At what cost? well, that's the crux of the debate...

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It's best to keep our opinions to ourselves.
These topics aren't a necessity. I know that. :D

so it's your opinion that opinions should be kept silent? seems rather hypocritical.

disagreement is no reason not to discuss a given topic. How else are you supposed to gain an understanding of the opposition's view?

As long as you can reach a point where you understand, but can still agree to disagree, I see no harm and a lot of room for potential benefit.

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"necessary" can easily be a point of contention, but abortion certainly helps our current society function with fewer financial burdens. At what cost? well, that's the crux of the debate...

We could always go with a totalitarian method... Let's have 2 child maximum (both being <25) then forced permanent sterilization (tube tie / vasectomy). And to fix the naysayers... you can have your semen stored if you want kids after those 2, but you'll pay a HIGHER tax rate for each child <25 years old after the initial 2.

yeah I know this'll never go over in America, but perhaps in Amerika it would ^.^

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My two cents:

The thing that some Pro-Lifers haven't fully grasped (although everyone here seems to have a handle on it) is that Pro-Choice is not synonomous with Pro-Abortion. I maintain that the government shouldn't be involved in making this decision. If my (hypothetical) wife is going to deliver, yet there are life-threatening complications, I'm willing to abort (as many here would agree). If my (hypothetical) daughter was sexually assaulted, and subsequently impregnated, after talking to her about the pros and cons of raising a child, as well as what comes along with an abortion... I would support her if abortion was her choice (and then I'd manually dismember her assailant).

If I knock up my g/f, I'm keeping and RAISING my child!

My point is, that it should ultimately be the decision of the parents.

One last thing, it takes a pretty heartless individual to go through life using abortions as birth control just because they got pregnant and can't/don't want to take care of the child (however some ppl do). When I was in college, I knew 2ppl (at two separate institutions) who had abortions... 1 Female, and 1 Male... The girl literally cried everyday for like 6 mos. The male was equally as distraut. I still keep in touch with them, and they will both tell you that they are still haunted by the act, and its significance, and re-live the horror daily.

Just wanted to throw these thoughts out there for some who may view the Pro-Choice contingent as a caucass of heartless baby-killers.


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When I was in college, I knew 2ppl (at two separate institutions) who had abortions... 1 Female, and 1 Male... The girl literally cried everyday for like 6 mos. The male was equally as distraut.

this really sounds like you knew a guy that had an abortion. Do you even know what an abortion is? :lol:

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this really sounds like you knew a guy that had an abortion. Do you even know what an abortion is? :lol:

I thought that was when you just masturbated into the toilet and flushed it down... JUST KIDDING!

As a potential parent, he was "involved" in making the decision... You knew what I meant... Smartazz:p

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"pro-choice" is such an ambiguous term. I'm all for people choosing to be responsible, whatever that means to them.

if you're religious, be responsible and don't have sex before marriage. If you're not religious, be responsible and use a condom and/or birth control when you have sex AND ACKNOWLEDGE THE FACT THAT NEITHER ARE 100% EFFECTIVE. If you and your partner become pregnant, make the responsible choice (financially and emotionally) for you, and your potential child.

hell yeah i'm "pro-choice."

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I knew 2ppl (at two separate institutions) who had abortions... 1 Female, and 1 Male...

And I know a girl I used to be friends with who got knocked up at 19, had the kid, and will tell you with a straight face she regrets it. Not only that, but the kid has had to go through the custody battles and the immature things people do (using their kids as pawns) to get revenge for a jilted relationship.

Is it better to raise a child in the foster system, or a child that has neglectful parents that really don't want them? That can't be any good quality of life after all the psychological damage you've done to the child. Not to mention if parents turn a blind eye to abuses (sexual or physical) on their own child because of their apathy.

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i think its wrong. Alot of statements on here are putting together finances with abortions. IMO the welfare system is an epic fail. If you dont work you dont eat. Yes we need to take care of the handicap that cannot work.

If you cannot pay for your own kid then you shouldn't have one. If you have an oops and you do, that is your problem and you have to pay for the kid. Man up...too many people want the lazy way out of it and THAT IS ALL IT IS. Its a decision that went wrong for some people and they couldn't live with the results.

my 2 cents

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Hmm, 3 pages and still issues that haven't been discussed!

The government is already involved in many ways. And to those who think it should be a womans decision... I 100% disagree!

It takes two to make a child, yet currently only the woman has the right to abort. However, here is the sticking point. A man does not have the right to abort nor does he have the right to keep his child if the mother chooses abortion. He is obligated to live with the regret of her killing his child which is totally not fair. I would choose to keep my child! Period. And he is obligated if she chooses to keep a child that he would rather abort, to pay for 18 years worth of child support for a child that he didnt want. So currently its all in the womans favor. She chooses abortion... no harm no foul on her under law. She chooses life... no harm no foul on her under law. The man... No choice and penalized either way. Try to stop an abortion and they tell you you have no rights to it...... let it be born and your hooked for $$$.$$ for years.

That being said, I'm against it...... I have never heard a single unselfish reason for it. Its always to make things easier on the mom or the family, never for the benifit of the child or anyone else..... if your old enough to breed, take some responsibility for your actions! Grow up.....

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The one thing that not a lot of people in here have touched on, is when does a sperm and an egg become a "child".

I don't think it's immediately following conception, but again, that's my opinion.

You can be as sick as having an abortion almost up to the month it's born.:mad::nono:

Abortion is like believing in killing anything that can't take care of itself. We misewell just kill all mentally retarded too huh? They have a heartbeat just like babies do too and a hassle to take care of. :nono:

I believe a person that aborts is someone that can never learn to fully love another life. They may think so, but they can't. There's no love in their heart to give.

Sorry, but that's my opinion. Give them up if you don't want them, and if you have 1 abortion it should be the law that your tubes should get tied because you don't know how to have sex w/out getting pregnant obviously.

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You can be as sick as having an abortion almost up to the month it's born.:mad::nono:

Abortion is like believing in killing anything that can't take care of itself. We misewell just kill all mentally retarded too huh? They have a heartbeat just like babies do too and a hassle to take care of. :nono:

3rd trimester abortions have been illegal. But still, it still creates the question... WHEN does a cluster of cells become a human being?

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WHEN does a cluster of cells become a human being?

That is the stupidest comment. When it has a fucking brain and a heartbeat. :slap:

Just be lucky you weren't aborted. You were given a chance, so should everyone else. I say kill the parents instead.

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