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Got in an accident tonight


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My wife wanted to go get some small pumpkins so we went to Lynd's Fruit Farm. We stopped at the red light at Morse Rd and SR 310 and while waiting for the light to change I heard brakes screaming and BAM. i got out of the car and a women crawled out of the car behind me. She had 2 kids in the back of her car that were crying. I had my wife and daughter in the car. Everyone seems to be fine. I got her information and called the licking county sheriffs department. Before the officer arrived the lady left. She was talking on her cell phone when she rear-ended us. I tried calling her insurace but being a Sunday obviusly no one was available. I'll call them tomorrow and get the process started. What fun.....

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Ugh, that sucks. I hope that you filed a report with the Sheriff's department. I had a g/f that had the same thing happen and the jerk denied he was in an accident, so his insurance wouldn't pay. I hope your incident goes better. Glad you are all ok!

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  chevysoldier said:
Did you get pics? Like with your cell phone?

Excellent reminder! That's the first thing I would be doing, especially the other party's plates, and possibly even the VIN of their vehicle (in case the plates are fictitious) and if you can manage, a pic of the driver.

What a way to put a damper on what should've been a good family fun time. Did you still get your punkins?

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No, I didn't get pictures. Should have. The cars aren't too bad. She hit the brakes hard enough that the nose of her car went under the bumper and lifted up. Hopefully will just need the rear bumper replaced. but never really know what else is damaged until you get a chance to take a look under it.

Yeah we still got our pumpkins.

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I've seen cars that were totaled, but looked pretty decent, only scratched up. If it shoves the impact beam just right, there's a lot that can be tweaked out of shape! I would make sure to get a professional estimate (or 3) to make sure it's not that bad.

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Take my advice, it might seem wrong but untill you get the claim estimate I would tell them you have neck pains and your daughter was up all night crying and scared. I've had too many bad experiences with insurance anymore to not put an ace in my sleeve.

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