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10 things we don't know about you...


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5. My wife is extremely nosey. I know this so I have alot of fun with it and she will never learn/understand that kind of behavior is wrong.

6. My marriage is on its last legs but not for the reason stated above.

#5 bitches. #5

What does #6 say again? I must not be reading this right...


VERY Interesting... so you installing keylogger and hidden camera in our bedroom was.... what exactly?

When a woman has instinct shit is up, chances are something ain't right, things I saw, well it wasn't right, not my style ;)

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I installed a bunch of software on my wife's new laptop one time, and she came back and suspiciously asked; "What is SpyBOT, and why did you install it?"

Of course the IT types out there will recognize that as SpyBOT Search & Destroy, an anti-spyware app.

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may i suggest you make a list of 10 things anden doesn't know about you?

i think it's a fair and reasonable return volley.



1.I'm married and have 4 kids total (3 boys 1girl), 1 of which is a stepson. I do not love one more than the other, they are all equal to me. I don't play favorite's.

2.For the most part I do both rolls, I work fulltime slinging Pepsi (not a light weight job), I come home and take care of the kids, play taxi, clean the house, run errands, then on my days off I add running my mom around to doctor visits, testing, screenings, etc... I may not make as much money as my husband, but I work just as much and just as hard if not harder and I still bring home a check.

3.Would love to go to college so I could quit Pepsi!

4.I have a half brother (American/Thai) living in Bangkok that I hope to meet someday, but long after my mom is gone, so I have awhile.

5.I see my husband every other weekend if I am lucky

6.I get 3+ compliments everyday for the ink on my leg... True Story!

7.My husband says I ruined my legs... True Story! HA!

8.Thanks to my job, I wear shorts year around, unless it's 5 below zero.

9.I'm not a girlie chic, I am a real chic.

10.I wake myself up laughing. I love it!

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1. My name is Joe and I’m originally from upstate NY (Lake George).

2. I tend to be anal retentive about my possessions and like to keep them nice. As a result, when I was a kid, I never really played with my toys in the dirt. It pains me to do mods/upgrades/farkles when it requires permanent changes (i.e. drilling out or cutting things). I’m not a clean/neat freak though. Go figure.

3. When I do things, I usually go all or none. I’m just wired to always give it my best.

4. I’m not much of a drinker but the times when I do, I tend drink heavily (see #3). I’m not really fond of hangovers which explains the first sentence of this line.

5. I do computer hardware reviews for a rather large website, focused mainly on storage (SSD’s, hard drives, etc).

6. I have a degree in programming and database design but my current job has nothing to do with all that (which may change very soon).

7. My wife is Jewish and I’m just going to hell. Actually, I usually say she’s Jewish, I’m Joeish.

8. I’ve visited every continent except Africa and Antartica and logged over 100 dives across every ocean except the Arctic & Southern (around Antarctica).

9. As a baseball pitcher in high school, I had the lowest ERA in NKY (1.24) and only won a few games because the team SUCKED. I struck out 14 batters in a game and we lost by 8 runs. WTF

10.I plan on being retired by 55 and well on my way there.

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1. My name is Joe and I’m originally from upstate NY (Lake George).

2. I tend to be anal retentive about my possessions and like to keep them nice. As a result, when I was a kid, I never really played with my toys in the dirt. It pains me to do mods/upgrades/farkles when it requires permanent changes (i.e. drilling out or cutting things). I’m not a clean/neat freak though. Go figure.

3. When I do things, I usually go all or none. I’m just wired to always give it my best.

4. I’m not much of a drinker but the times when I do, I tend drink heavily (see #3). I’m not really fond of hangovers which explains the first sentence of this line.

5. I do computer hardware reviews for a rather large website, focused mainly on storage (SSD’s, hard drives, etc).

6. I have a degree in programming and database design but my current job has nothing to do with all that (which may change very soon).

7. My wife is Jewish and I’m just going to hell. Actually, I usually say she’s Jewish, I’m Joeish.

8. I’ve visited every continent except Africa and Antartica and logged over 100 dives across every ocean except the Arctic & Southern (around Antarctica).

9. As a baseball pitcher in high school, I had the lowest ERA in NKY (1.24) and only won a few games because the team SUCKED. I struck out 14 batters in a game and we lost by 8 runs. WTF

10.I plan on being retired by 55 and well on my way there.

does that mean you work for anandtech or something? (lol, can you tell i'm a computer nub yet?)

also, how many times do you get asked "will this run diablo III lol" per day?

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1. My name is Stephen- spelled the Biblical way, which I think sounds cool, but I'm too hillbilly and straight to use my full first name, so it's just Steve to you, or Stevie to everyone I grew up with in my neighborhood, church, and my older relatives.

2. I've been an audiophile and music lover most of my life. By the time I was 5 I had worn out multiple record players. I had a Marantz component stereo system when I was 8 or 9 (mom and dad knew it was my thing). I started collecting records when I was 7 or 8. I have a love / hate relationship with ipods- love the convenience, hate the sound. I design and build my own audio gear.

3. I've played drums since I was 9. I played in a band in high school that won a battle of the bands and went on WNCX on the Jerry Shirley show. We were a Christian band. The first thing Jerry said to me (at 14 years old) when he found out I was the drummer was "so, you're the one that gets all the pussy!". Too funny. But true, actually. I also was in marching band on a snare drum 3 years, and quit my senior year to do more band gigs (which I've always regretted).

4. I've played guitar since I was 18 (now almost 37) and I still only know a few songs. I can play, but never tried to learn any songs for some reason. I also mess with bass guitar the same way. I can't sing to save my life, and you wouldn't want to hear me try.

5. I always wanted to be a musician and never did much planning for anything else, but real life got in the way (getting married when you're 20 will do that). I am living on my fall-back electronics training from high school vocational school, and doing well enough.

6. My wife and I just had our 15th anniversary. We have 2 kids- a boy and a girl, 7 and 6. We have been together since she was 15 and I was 16. We met at church, and then shortly after at a concert I was drumming in when she came to see the other band.

7. I am a born-again, unapologetic believer that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and knowing God. I don't care to debate that with you, because I don't believe debating is worth much, and most people are not looking to understand it, but to attempt to tear down what they don't understand.

8. I am a total loner and have been most of my life. I've had 1 friendship (beside my wife) that I would actually consider real, and it was when I was a kid. I'm ok with that, but find that I'm perpetually misunderstood for reasons that elude me, which bothers me often.

9. I can mostly do whatever I put my mind to, excluding any kind of sport. I find that I get bored easily, and quit any project when it loses it's challenge. I then get frustrated because I never finish anything.

10. I have a low tolerance for trendy people who have to follow a crowd, or for people who are perpetually phony.

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Used to do the Pepsi thing definitely not easy work actually there wasn't a single female at G&J when I worked there


I guess you can say I am the minority at Pepsi Dayton! It's cool though, they all look after me as if I'm their sister. I've been doing it 5 years and I still beat my husband at arm wrestling everytime!


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1. My name is Craig.

2. I graduated from Carnegie Mellon Univ., where I played free-safety for the mighty fighting Tartans (mascot: A scottish terrier...fearsome).

3. I can play a dozen or so instruments well, sing and play guitar in a band.

4. My grandfather was a studio musician and appeared on over 200 albums in the 50's and 60's, mostly country and nashville recordings like Flatt & Scruggs, Duane Eddy, Patsy Cline, etc.

5. My avatar is named Bullet.

6. I do a weekly comedy/satire podcast with my wife (see sig).

7. Until the age of 18 I was left handed in everything I did, but switching over after an elbow injury in baseball I found I could do better with my right hand and slowly migrated everything over, even handwriting.

8. I grew up in Arizona, where my mom owned a gas station in the late 70's.

9. I'm allergic to christmas trees, and most hard liquor (something to do with the distilling process, makes me violently ill).

10. My first paying job was teaching break-dancing.

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