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My 1st crash


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Yeah I had a slight hiccup... or a high-side. I can't, and won't, place blame on anything but me. I went into a turn to hot (40ish in a suggested 15mph sharp right), was mid shift and already leaning into the turn, tapped the back brake and let out the clutch...exactally what one should not do.

It is a strange thing being thrown from your bike, I'm sure most people reading this know the feeling. I had about 4 thoughts while I was skidding across the pavement. In order they were:

1. Is this for real?

2. How did I end up here?

3. I'm okay.

4. (seeing the bike slide towards me) Please don't hit me!

I thank God that I didn't hurt anyone else, or myself majorly. I really want to thank Oldschoolsdime and his friend Zach for being so concerned. I hope that this is the first and last time I have this happen.

Here is a pic


There are more in the album.

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I am glad to hear you're OK.

Now ...welcome to the club.

I think there are two kind of riders, the ones that crashed and the ones that will.

I am sure you're going to learn from this like most of the riders will, just as you pointed out the mistakes you made, to lead you to crash, you'll remember for sure what not to do in a similar situation.

Don't you find kinda of weird how time slows down while all that shit is happening? You can recall some details that would be hard to remember otherwise.

Once again, I am glad you're OK, now you got all winter to fix your bike !;)

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I remember when I first started riding this year, Chevysoldier was following me, and told me I had better quit braking in turns, but I was actually just pulling the brake enough to turn on the lights to worn that I was slowing (with engine braking). That is after I had learned about why not to brake in turns (on here, I think) then later learned that the rear locking up = highside, front = lowside. Now I don't bother with tripping the lights, as I'm usually accelerating out of turns anyway!

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1. Is this for real?

2. How did I end up here?

3. I'm okay.

4. (seeing the bike slide towards me) Please don't hit me!

My first crash same thing almost, sliding down the road thinking well I can't believe I finally wrecked a bike, I wonder what happened, I'm not getting too hurt, (Hearing the bike slide along with me.) I hope that fucking thing doesn't come over here and hit me.

I guess it's universal, welcome to the club, glad you're okay.

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Where did you do this at? Just curious.

I've gone down twice now, and I'm pretty sure I'm working on my third (gotta find the limit some time). Glad your ok and the bike doesn't look too bad.

The nice thing about this time of year is that the corn starts coming down so you can blast a once blind corner and know another vehicle isn't waiting for you around the bend.

But in a group I'm capt. Slow.

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Glad you're ok! I lowsided back in July due to an unfortunate encounter with a minivan...it was a week and a half before a road trip and all I could think as I stopped sliding and was watching the bike slide down the hill was "aw fu**, I still gotta use that thing..." lol...Fortunately, I only lost a few small patches of skin, and between the frame sliders and my tailbag the bike was pretty much ok too. Lady got out, said it wasn't her fault (of course! why would it be), and followed me the last 1/2 mile to work to make sure I was really ok. Ah well, life goes on, and we keep gearing up for the next one.

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Most 15mph turns that I encounter can be taken at about 35mph on my liter and I don't push it. The bitch of it is not all turns are the same but that's why I like to ride on familiar roads. Gravel scares me the most when it comes to hitting the curves. Heal up and get back out there...

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