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how many here got the ban?

kawi kid

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Not I! I don't even have a live sub right now, and I haven't even turned on the 360 other than to watch movies in months. Now that colder weather is moving in, that might change around some though.... And I don't know enough about the 360 to get in trouble in the first place!

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Wow, not that I condone piracy but that is a bold move on Microsofts part. It's a delicate relationship that the companies that provide content have with their customers these days.

Luckily, xbox 360 is un modded as it's mostly a netflix movie machine, PS3 unmodded, but holy hell if the PS2 police were out I'd be arrested. 120GB HDD full of all kinds of copied games. Most of the games I played I already owned but they just loaded faster off the HDD. But sure, I pirated a few. It's like a game in itself modding the machine.

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My buddy is absolutely livid right now....he got the ban and his xbox isn't modded and has a legit copy of MW2. Listening to him on the phone with xbox customer service was hilarious, I shoulda taken video of that shit

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^^^ Hahah i woulda been pissed too. Can banned xbox's be un-banned?? If they can't Microsoft better be sending him a replacement xbox

Yea, I think they can un ban you... Well im almost positive they can. It wouldnt make sense if they couldnt.

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Yea, I think they can un ban you... Well im almost positive they can. It wouldnt make sense if they couldnt.

I haven't talked to him yet today to see if they fixed the issue or not so I'll see what he says and let you guys know if its possible or not

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Were these fools playing MW2 on live with modded consoles? They deserved to be banned. I have a modded original Xbox. I never paid for Live. I just used Akai when I wanted to go online. I never modded my 360 because it's online more so than not, and I can't trust an 11 yr old to make sure it never gets online.

Sorry if anyone on here got banned...but that's the nature of the beast.

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