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OR Holiday party in NEO - Sat. Dec 19th


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Okay, it could be possible it might get passed around a little.

man, i'm gonna be tagged with the mayo thing for a while aren't i. You did get the memo that I got rid of all of my mayo right? Mayo and I are just friends. :lol:

You can't be just friends with Mayo, come on now.

origin of quote plz :)

"On a scale of 1 to mayonnaise, your boyfriend would be a 4" ~shittygsxr 6/26/09. Remember now!?!?

I have to practice some or i'm gonna come back broken and mangled.

You won't be coming back broken and mangled from boarding in CO....Gigiddy Gigiddy!!

At least you haven't completely said no to the "photo shoot" idea yet. I'm sure a few glasses of the xmas brew would help us out as well.

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man, i'm gonna be tagged with the mayo thing for a while aren't i. You did get the memo that I got rid of all of my mayo right? Mayo and I are just friends. :lol:

yeah... that's basically what will decide it for me. If there is decent snow, i'm gonna have to head to NY. I have a trip to colorado to go boarding early january, so I have to practice some or i'm gonna come back broken and mangled.

However, if there's crappy snow, i'll definitely be at the party... maybe I could bring something that isn't food. I'm just really bad at food... I'll volunteer up some :drink:... I'm taking a bartending class for fun... maybe I could make us some tropical drinks to practice :D

Wasn't aware you and mayo boy had curtailed the terms of your relationship. See....we never talk anymore. :p

Well, should you forego your trip to NY (Holiday Valley?), bring whatever you want. If you can't cook, no big deal. Come with some cool concotion from your bartending class. If it requires some setup, let me know what you would need in the way of hardware.

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