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Winter project bike


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This looks great!

Is this the bike you were talking about entering in the econo-bike build off?

Yeah this would be one of them. The other i may bring just for the hell of it. If you allow it to be entered thats fine. If not thats OK too.

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Well i got the Honda pretty much done. I tried my hand at some pinstriping and it is definetly harder than it looks. For the first time trying i dont think it came out to bad. The seat is the only thing that i just cant get to look very well. And the exhaust i will eventually find something to fit. So i guess it is what it is.




Also i FINALLY got my minichop finished. Just need to wrap the seat but no biggie.





I put alot of hours in these past couple weeks to get them ready to take to the Econo-bike show this coming satuday. Just glad to have a couple unfinished projects done!

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