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does anyone here jog?


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I had a Thurman burger after work and then proceeded to run 5 miles... Worst idea ever don't try it.

P.S. If your knees bother you when you run get jumpers knee straps they are amazing.


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Ive been running competitively since i was in 6th grade so needless to say i can def answer any running questions you would have. First def go to a running store and get a good pair of running shoes. This will help prevent injury. Second i would set up a goal like maybey running in a columbus 5k (only 3.1 miles). This way you will have something to look forward to and keep yu motivated. But most of all for starters run withing your ability...you will get more out of running a long distance at an easy pace then trying to run fast. So dont worry it took you 15 min now.. you can work on lowering your time later. Also if you start to get a side cramp and you decide t stop and walk, the next time you go and run your probably going to get it again around the same distance you had it the day before.. just try and slow down concentrate on breathing a consistent rate and jog thru it. If you can get past the 3 week point you should be golden. Normally the first 2 to 3 weeks are the hardest. Good Luck !!

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No, she was on the exact same treadmill I was... just different days.

Ahhhh..... I was under the impression she ran an organized, outdoor, actual, factual half marathon

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Used to jog before I got a metric fuckton of titanium installed in the leg and pelvis, I tried once a few months ago and it wasn't pretty. Looks like the elliptical machine's gonna be my cardio for the foreseeable future.

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Used to jog before I got a metric fuckton of titanium installed in the leg and pelvis, I tried once a few months ago and it wasn't pretty. Looks like the elliptical machine's gonna be my cardio for the foreseeable future.

Wow! Let's kill him for the scrap titanium! :lol:

That just sounds painful!

I haven't started yet, this cold weather crap has me, uh.... less than motivated. Methinks I need a treadmill....

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I haven't read hardly any of this thread, but when I was in the Army we had guys who couldn't pass the run portion of their PT test. We started running with our flak jackets and after 2 or 3 weeks, guys were shaving minutes off of their 2 mile run times. So you could always grab a back pack and throw some weights/phone books inside and go run, hills are always good too. Have fun!

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I dont run in the cold unless its a race... 5k event or something. I hate wearing sleeves and pants when I run, so I usually just stick to a hat & gloves.... I hate how restricted I feel with the excessive winter clothing. t-shirt and shorts are the way to go for me.

You just wear a hat and gloves? thats about as unrestricted as it gets.

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Did my Treadmill 5K in 30:12 yesterday....best yet!

Congratz!! :)

Blowin' snow here & 25 degrees. I LOVE running on days like this.... Wish I waren't crippled & could get out there ;)

'Specially since my weights 'splodin' again :(

Edited by Fonzie
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  • 2 weeks later...

OK.... Doc said no runnin' for 2 weeks after my surgery. Was a good boy (actually a wuss cuz it hurt so long & I just got my range of motion back) & waited 16 days before tryin' "Couch to 5K" Wednesday night to get back in the swing. W1D2 today.... Anyone wanna join me?

Went about 10pm.... 22 degrees out. DriStar long sleeve shirt & running fleece, hat & gloves.... Plenty warm without much sweat to risk hypothermia

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I will do it. I have done two runs on the first workout, and I havent gotten to do my third. Its been a week or so, as work has been crazy busy. I spose im going to start over fresh

I think I'm actually gonna do the treadmill this week. Easier to keep track of the 60/90 second splits with the timer right in front of me, than constantly tryin' to lift my sleeves to see my watch with gloves on

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