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Winterizing your bike?


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i keep looking for a house to rent here in coshocton that has an attached 2 car garage :( i shipped the tona to my dads heated garage. put the sumo in my spare room, and have to wheeler in a million peice spread between my spare room, my garage and parts in both of my dads garages haha. some one buy a house up here as an investment and let me rent it!

I thought there was only trailers in Coshocton? :dunno:

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That's where mine and Jporters is. It stays roughly 55-60 degrees in there. But like I said, since mine is getting torn apart, I'm not doing much of that stuff this year. I should put a rag in the tail pipe though, that can't hurt.

Oh yeah, I love it, too! Get done with work, and feel like working on the bike, it's right there! I still haven't decided how far I'm gonna go on mine this year. I would LIKE to rebiuld the engine, strip it down to the frame and repaint the frame and the fairings.

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One more thing, Jcroz: Many people say to put sta-bil in it, some say not to bother. The argument most make against it is true, which is that for the few months you have it put away, the fuel's not going to degrade enough to cause problems. That's my experience, anyway. One thing to consider though is what happens if you get injured, and can't ride the bike until say.... September? Or the following year? NOW we're into issues, if you don't get sta-bil into it. I'm banking on being able to ride it in mid to late March, so I'm probably going to forego the sta-bil, and just make sure I have a full tank. I can use the need to fill the tank on the Ninja as an excuse to get all my gear back out next week!

For the oil change, I think I'm going to wait until I get the bikes back out, and put a few easy miles on them (couple hundred each, or so) before I change the oil. That way, any moisture will get evaporated, or "mixed" into the oil, and drained out. I know oil and water don't mix, but water will get suspended in oil when mixed up in a crankcase, but separate to the bottom after sitting. Of course, it all depends on how much work I do to the bikes. I already have th evalve covers off the Hon-duh, and I have to do starter clutch work on the Neenjerrrr...

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Ouch? Yes, but he's right. I've seen MANY threads about it from back before it even got close to being cold.

I know. Jcroz sure is good at puttin his foot in his mouth, poor guy :nono:

Edited by SWing'R
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