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Where do flame threads go?


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I'd be interested in seeing the analysis behind the members list.

I'm guessing you'd see users are typically active for 2-6 months after registering then there is a sharp decline in activity. That's likely highly reflective of the seasonality for riding, but I'm wondering what frequency users come back 6-8 months later vs who is gone forever.

Would be interesting nonetheless

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Just because I'm black don't be prejudice and assume I'm a liberal. That's racist.

Uncle Punk's black?!? :eek:

yah, some of the posts in this thread got deleted... which I find interesting because nothing seemed out of line other than implying people don't stay around long.

FTR.... If that's truly the case.... Waren't me

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yah, some of the posts in this thread got deleted... which I find interesting because nothing seemed out of line other than implying people don't stay around long.

Nothing got deleted.

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Sometimes asking questions gets mislabeled as starting shit. I'm asking a legitimate question, "where do we go to flame?" if the answer is "we don't allow flaming anymore" or "there's a limit to what is allowed" that's helpful information.

Since the forum description is

This is the junk box. Flame wars, off topic posts/threads, etc go here to die a slow, miserable death.
I wanted to make sure it was clear what "flame war" was tolerated.

If I wanted to start shit I'd post it in Website Info saying "wtf is wrong with you mods" ... which would get deleted/moved, then I'd start another one, which would get deleted/moved/closed, then I'd bitch about how mods are closing my threads and post comments on Facebook so people knew.... which I didn't because e-drama is e-awesome

See, not trolling, just trying to get answers and clarification :)

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Man, you might have just stepped into starting shit again. I want to see all the liberals fighting it out about who is the smartest one. Just because Justin says he is doesn't make it so.

When he said he was smart, did he have some internet sourced facts to back it up?

I mean, we all know that if its on the internet, it must be true. Lies are not allowed on the internet. :rolleyes:

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Sometimes asking questions gets mislabeled as starting shit. I'm asking a legitimate question, "where do we go to flame?" if the answer is "we don't allow flaming anymore" or "there's a limit to what is allowed" that's helpful information.

Since the forum description is I wanted to make sure it was clear what "flame war" was tolerated.

....See, not trolling, just trying to get answers and clarification :)

Above my pay grade Matt

I would guess blackmail, threads that could affect familial relationships, personal attacks (up to mod/admin discretion as to when the proverbial "line" has been crossed) are all things that are going to be moved to the Admin side.

Repeatedly bringing up said situations in other threads seems to be resulting in those posts/threads also being moved, & signaling the person continually bringing up said situations as an instigator/annoying the Mods/Admins

But hey.... I'm the new guy & not that bright, so I may be all wrong in the patterns I'm spotting/perceiving ;)

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Above my pay grade Matt

I would guess blackmail, threads that could affect familial relationships, personal attacks (up to mod/admin discretion as to when the proverbial "line" has been crossed) are all things that are going to be moved to the Admin side.

Repeatedly bringing up said situations in other threads seems to be resulting in those posts/threads also being moved, & signaling the person continually bringing up said situations as an instigator/annoying the Mods/Admins

But hey.... I'm the new guy & not that bright, so I may be all wrong in the patterns I'm spotting/perceiving ;)

To supplement Fonzie

Flame treads should go in the Drama Queens Forum, and should adhere by the rules. http://www.ohio-riders.com/index.php?pageid=rules

So crack open an ice cold Bud Light "Oh fanner of the flames! Only you can blow this flame into an epic forrest fire!"

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Ok so, flaming is ok, to an extent.... I assume the line is somewhere around jokingly playing around and threatening to kill someone :)
As long as it doesn't violate the rules.
Unregistered users can't see any drama... they only get the first post. But I guess new users might get scared off.
Most of the forums I've used have a requirement to get into the Dungeon/Flame Room/Jail/etc etc etc.... usually 30 days & 30 posts or higher... of course most of them also have a "no moderators & no rules" policy in those sections.
I've been debating this. The problem is, we can't allow threats of violence or racism, so we couldn't allow it to be no moderators and no rules. I'm not sure how to go about this.
Few, if any, forums make any money. A forum is a cost center and at best can promote traffic to a a sponsor site... but usually not many sponsors at a time... there are exceptions but I'm speaking generally.
We are in the black $23 this year.
And yes, you're right, it's hard to find sponsors for a "less than pc" userbase, but it's also very hard to grow a userbase when it's too restrictive. Bottom line, Ben's not doing this for the money (at least I don't think he is).
:lol: I'm just ecstatic the site is in the black this year. This is going to be the first year we're not in the red. This site is supposed to be for all motorcyclists to meet, get advice, ask questions, post ideas/suggestions, plan rides, etc. It is not a place to personally attack people, stir drama, etc. I realize there are a handful of people who are only on this site to talk shit and create drama. Those individuals should leave. They're ruining it for the rest of the people who truly enjoy this site. This is not eHarmony. This is not OffTopic.
I don't know that you "start shit" I think you are just a victim of less than thought out posts
dude we would seriously have high post counts if threads here counted, plus the deleted posts.
Actually......... I changed that a while ago. Posts in here and posts moved to the mods/admins section DO count towards your post count.
yah, some of the posts in this thread got deleted... which I find interesting because nothing seemed out of line other than implying people don't stay around long.
Nothing got deleted, just moved.
I would guess blackmail, threads that could affect familial relationships, personal attacks (up to mod/admin discretion as to when the proverbial "line" has been crossed) are all things that are going to be moved to the Admin side.
Repeatedly bringing up said situations in other threads seems to be resulting in those posts/threads also being moved, & signaling the person continually bringing up said situations as an instigator/annoying the Mods/Admins
And truth again.
To supplement Fonzie

Flame treads should go in the Drama Queens Forum, and should adhere by the rules. http://www.ohio-riders.com/index.php?pageid=rules

So crack open an ice cold Bud Light "Oh fanner of the flames! Only you can blow this flame into an epic forrest fire!"

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If the Drama Queen section is subject to the same modding rules as the rest of the site why does it even exist? It doesn't appear on the home page but language isn't regulated in other posts that are seen there.

When is the party planned so that $23 can be put to good use?

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I've been debating this. The problem is, we can't allow threats of violence or racism, so we couldn't allow it to be no moderators and no rules. I'm not sure how to go about this.

The best way to curtail that is the "Report" button... it's not that the section needs to be "no moderators" it's that it has to be "no moderator intervention"

The way we always did it was, staff can say whatever they want, but unless the thread/post violates the core rules (in your example, violence or racism) they couldn't intervene. We always had exceptions for if someone got WAY over the line, we'd trash the thread (leaving the redirect link) and then PM the complainer/poster saying it was trashed, keep it clean or take a timeout.

We are in the black $23 this year.

That's actually surprising! I know GF cost us close to a few thousand a year, and then when we acquired FilesNetwork the cost went up a ton, but advertising also went up... problem is forum could never exist on it's own

Nothing got deleted, just moved.

Right, but since it was split rather than deleted with link, noone knows it. So it's very easy to say "hey where the hell did that one post go?" then inadvertently get into a "WHO THE HELL IS TOUCHING STUFF". That's why I always went with the "if it's not bannable material, don't touch it..." and if it WAS bannable, we always left the posts/people as an example :)

For a while we were editing posts and putting "Hey I'm a douchebag and this post got me banned" but it took too much time lol.

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Although, I've never had to deal with such a "local" forum.... it stands to reason there should be a rule that says "If you won't say this to someone's face, don't say it here"... it's easy to get into a bad situation where people talk a bunch of shit, then an event get's messed up because people are afraid to go, or want something "to be said to my face"

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