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Fox News vs. Obama sunday at 8


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Stolen from a chain mail. Go ahead and scrutinize.



Maybe this is why the White House has been discounting FOX!!!

Sounds like this could be History in the making.

It's possible someone is going to go down -- either Obama or Fox News.

It may be that Fox has been holding this information back due to the sensitivity of it and out of courtesy.

But, Obama has taken on Fox and it appears they are ready to spill the ugly beans of truth about the

background of this individual who has had an extremely radical past.

I'm not going to miss it and I hope you won't either. This could/should prove to be very, very interesting!

This Sunday, Fox News
, is going to air a very important documentary about Barack Obama, Sunday night

8 PM Central Time; 9 PM Eastern Time.

The report will go back to Obama's earlier days, showing even then his close ties to radical Marxist professors,

friends, spiritual advisers, etc..

It will also reveal details about his ties to Rev. Wright for +20 years i.e. how he was participating with this man,

and not for the reasons he states!

The report has uncovered more of Obama's radical past and we will see things that no one in the media is willing

to put out there. It will be a segment to remember.

Mark your calendar and pass this on to everyone you know:
Sunday night: 8 PM Central time; 9 PM Eastern time.

Democrat or Republican, this report will open your eyes to how YOUR country is being sold down the road to

Totalitarian Socialism.

If you care about the direction of our country, pass this notice on to everyone you know.


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Yeah I hope this is true, I want to watch it. Hopefully Obama says something that make him show his true colors to the world and everyone can see him for what he really is.

The problem is, everyone will say it was Fox news and they have a right slant and so they put a twist on his words somehow...

Anything he says is going to be forgotten as soon as the show is over.

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Every day that passes I get a little closer to thinking you guys are actually mentally retarded.


I should have known it would be too good to be true. It okay, the left can continue to live in the dark some more. :)

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everyone already knows that its not "news" anymore. its all "opinion". no one does any reporting anymore. they give you a headline then get two or three douchebags on there to tell you what THEY think. that is not news.

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I'd be interested to see how many of these political chain mails have a 'liberal' slant vs. 'conservative' slant.

Maybe it's just because they got posted on here a lot, but it seems that its the 'conservative' ones that get forwarded and passed around because a lot of them are the ones gullible with outrage enough not to research facts and have 'faith' in everything they're sent or told.

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I'd be interested to see how many of these political chain mails have a 'liberal' slant vs. 'conservative' slant.

Maybe it's just because they got posted on here a lot, but it seems that its the 'conservative' ones that get forwarded and passed around because a lot of them are the ones gullible with outrage enough not to research facts and have 'faith' in everything they're sent or told.

It just depends on who the current president is. Pull up some emails from 2-4 years ago and you'll see that our country is being destroyed by conservatives, now it's being destroyed by liberals.

Fear mongers don't discriminate, they are all equally retarded.

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There's a difference between: "Holy Shit! Fox news is withholding information out of 'courtesy to Obama' that will blow this country apart - pass it along to anyone and everyone that agrees with you so you can hold 'tea parties' to express outrage because we believe everything we read and be sure to forward this along to everyone that disagrees with you too as an 'I told you so' that liberals are ruining the country". Of course, without citing sources or facts beyond what's included in the letter. Durka Durka Durka!

There's a difference between that and: "Hey, check out this article I stumbled across on [cnn.com, msnbc.com, yahoo.com, google.com, snopes.com]. What do you think?"

Because those are the two different types of e-mails I get from my conservative and liberal friends. I think you can figure out which is from which.

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