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Anyone on here a franchisee?


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  JRMMiii said:
I'm thinking about starting an x-ray franchise. Thank you guys for all your help.

These will be great for my x-ray portfolio, I'll add them to my liquidity.

Income statement

Executive Summary

...and the like, plus other business terms to make me sound serious like I know what I'm talking about.

Mmmmm, yes, quite. Shallow and pedantic.


Ahhh, but you're neglecting your debt to asset ratio. For long term asset growth you need to have a slow churn turnover and capitalize on market optimization.

Also, pedantic means delicious.

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jesus christ i dont get on for 2 days and this whole thread just goes completly off topic again... thanks brian and the few others in the first 4 pages of this thread that actually gave me some of the info i was looking for.

this thread is pretty much ruined, not even going to try to salvage it. go on with bashing me and all your "helarious" jokes

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  Jcroz91 said:
jesus christ i dont get on for 2 days and this whole thread just goes completly off topic again... thanks brian and the few others in the first 4 pages of this thread that actually gave me some of the info i was looking for.

this thread is pretty much ruined, not even going to try to salvage it. go on with bashing me and all your "helarious" jokes

It's spelled HILARIOUS. Someone needs to go back a few years and learn how to spell, since they're in college and all......

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  Jcroz91 said:
jesus christ i dont get on for 2 days and this whole thread just goes completly off topic again... thanks brian and the few others in the first 4 pages of this thread that actually gave me some of the info i was looking for.

this thread is pretty much ruined, not even going to try to salvage it. go on with bashing me and all your "helarious" jokes

You do it to yourself

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  SAMBUSA said:
You do it to yourself

wwhere did i do anything wrong? i didnt do anything. you guys are clearly all out to get me. theres really nothing i can do anymore. this is more than blown out of proportion. shit happened 4 months ago. i havnt done anything since. i dont bash back on any of you to instigate this. i just ask you to stop consistantly. what happens? nothing! admins dont do anything about it. i find it funny every single thread i make goes straight into the drama queens section. its like im fighting this rediculus endless battle just to be able to post on here...

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  Jcroz91 said:
wwhere did i do anything wrong? i didnt do anything. you guys are clearly all out to get me. theres really nothing i can do anymore. this is more than blown out of proportion. shit happened 4 months ago. i havnt done anything since. i dont bash back on any of you to instigate this. i just ask you to stop consistantly. what happens? nothing! admins dont do anything about it. i find it funny every single thread i make goes straight into the drama queens section. its like im fighting this rediculus endless battle just to be able to post on here...

did you consider not posting anymore.........jussayin...

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I have owned 2 Franchises. You'll need far more than the $150,000..way more.

You'll need cash to pay the bills, rent and employees until your business becomes profitable. What is the average time for a Subway to breakeven?

Research Research Research.

What is your experience? The banks will want a complete run-down on why you think you can run the business and not go belly-up as will Subway. They don't like to see franchises fail- doesn't look good.

Expect to work 60 hour minimum weeks for that $65,000 which if it ever comes wiill take more than a year at least.

There are lots of sites online. Subway by law has to provide you with average franchise sales and a list of franchisees etc. once you demonstrate you are serious. You can call and talk with them.

To be frank I made and now make a lot more money working for someone else.

Oh did I mention employee theft.... LOTS of employee theft...

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  Jcroz91 said:
i dont bash back on any of you to instigate this.

Try it! You might have fun!

Seriously, there's nothing wrong with dreaming, and dreaming big, but be realistic about it, and be responsible along the way, and listen to those of us that have been living in the real world.

As for posting around here, try to get involved in some other conversations, prove that you're not a tool, or troll, and that you are smart, and the bashing will subside. Otherwise, quit! That what ALL the winner's are doing!

  Jcroz91 said:
its like im fighting this rediculus endless battle just to be able to post on here...


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  JRMMiii said:
You don't need to go to college to make doughnuts.

Tiiiime to make the doughnuts.....


  Jcroz91 said:
jesus christ i dont get on for 2 days and this whole thread just goes completly off topic again... thanks brian and the few others in the first 4 pages of this thread that actually gave me some of the info i was looking for.

this thread is pretty much ruined, not even going to try to salvage it. go on with bashing me and all your "helarious" jokes

I read your reported post earlier. Nice way to get the Mods/Admins on your side by tellin' us off/cussin' us out. Here's my response to you.....

Had you built up some goodwill first, none of this stuff would be a big deal, but instead first you come on here postin' squid stuff, then sellin' turbo kits, & now fishin' for info to start a business with absolutely no knowledge of basic fundamentals such as liquid assets & lending collateral :rolleyes:

Now I'm all for asking questions to learn stuff, but at least do a little homework first, don't expect everyone to spoonfeed you, ask intelligent questions...... And learn to spell & use somewhat proper grammar so you don't come off sounding like a complete ignoramus or lookin' like a total squid

You know you've got problems on here, people like to use you for a pinata' & think you're a troll, &/or idiot.... And yet you still keep coming back asking for more, which either means you like the abuse/you're a glutton for punishment.... Or you just don't "get it". And I'm not even one of 'em who messes with you, let alone really posts in any of your threads.

Since you seem intent on hangin' around here, even though membership seems to have taken exception to you.... I suggest you sit back, DO NOT start anymore threads for awhile, and when you do.... Make them NON squid motorcycle related until if/when you get accepted into the fold & people quit messin' with you

It's like that old Mark Twain quote, about "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool... Than to open it and remove all doubt. "

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Your taking advice from anonymous people about something that should get professional advice on.

You have read enough of these discussions to know that most people are full of shit. Advice is easy to give when it isn't your money or life and you don't have to live with the repercussions.

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You really dont think you bring the bashing on yourself? You really DID eat paint chips didn't you? You talk about wanting to own your own business but you don't even know how to spell or use proper grammer. I AM a business owner, I know what it takes and you dont have it.

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  SAMBUSA said:
You really dont think you bring the bashing on yourself? You really DID eat paint chips didn't you? You talk about wanting to own your own business but you don't even know how to spell or use proper grammer. I AM a business owner, I know what it takes and you dont have it.

It's spelled grammar, Sam..... How do you stay in business spelling like that? :lol:

I think fonzie's post on reply to him sums it all up, especially the last part of it:

It's like that old Mark Twain quote, about "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool... Than to open it and remove all doubt. "

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