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In God we trust is gone.


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But what if the intern is really, really, really hot?

They're currently debating that in the House, but I think the GOP is running a filibuster on it. They want to change the verbiage to read so it's only applicable to MALE interns.

Public gays - FTL

In the closet gay congressmen - FTW

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I love these threads. These are as entertaining as posts to the "Hooray for Boobies" thread. Everyone wants to confuse their opinions with fact and get all up in a lather about either the "bible thumpers" or the atheists and agnostics...its just funny. My comments are opinion, your comments are opinion, so its nothing more than a pissing match. Folks sit here and say our nation was not "based" on religion, yet the folks who founded the nation were here as the result of religious persecution. Fine. But if things were fine with the church in good ole England, then would they have come here with the same mindset, and when would that have been? The nation's structure is not founded in religion (to meet your point, Fusion, on the Constitution), but the fact that our nation even exists is based on religion and its narrow minded exploits hundreds of years ago, both in England, and here once the "free men" landed.

But as I said, this is my opinion. So feel free to bash away. Maybe someday we can get a national do-over, and build a spaceship..we can round up folks two-by-two...Christians, Jews, Bhuddists, Muslims, black, white, oriental, latino, Dems and Republicans...so eveyone is even. Wait. This would be based on some religions already attempted idea, and that would conflict with the concepts of church and state. Nevermind.

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Maybe someday we can get a national do-over, and build a spaceship..we can round up folks two-by-two...Christians, Jews, Bhuddists, Muslims, black, white, oriental, latino, Dems and Republicans...so eveyone is even.

Build a spaceship!? :lol: You suckers can build your spaceshit. I'm waiting for the next time the ol' Hale Bopp comes around and hitching a ride in luxury.

Someone fetch me my tracksuit and my koolaid.

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every war all over the blue planet has been over this"god"person. If he went away all we would fight about is females. FACT lol

I've had "relations" w/my fair share of women and some girls in my day, and I have NEVER found any poontang worth fighting over. Me thinks the above statement is something the women's lib folks like to tell themselves.

How about oily females? :D

given unto us by our NON christian Turkish friends... around 238BC


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anyone who doesn't like "God" on their money; I'll happily take it off your hands.

personally, i don't give a shit what my money says...

BUT, I have to believe that there are millions of American Christians who would be outraged if our money said "in Allah we trust." I'm not sure how those people can so passionately argue that "in God we trust" is 'fair.'

I vote that all currency feature a festivus pole.

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anyone who doesn't like "God" on their money; I'll happily take it off your hands.


personally, i don't give a shit what my money says...


BUT, I have to believe that there are millions of American Christians who would be outraged if our money said "in Allah we trust." I'm not sure how those people can so passionately argue that "in God we trust" is 'fair.'

That was my point

I vote that all currency feature a festivus pole.


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Build a spaceship!? :lol: You suckers can build your spaceshit. I'm waiting for the next time the ol' Hale Bopp comes around and hitching a ride in luxury.

Someone fetch me my tracksuit and my koolaid.

:lol:I am glad you get where I am coming from. Methinks not all do.

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yet the folks who founded the nation were here as the result of religious persecution.

you're thinking of the pilgrims, and they did not found this country. they came here in 1621, and were long dead when the country was founded 155 years later.

the people who are considered the founders of the nation were born here. jefferson, madison and washington were all born in virginia. adams and franklin were born in boston. john jay was born in NYC. alexander hamilton was actually born in nevis, but moved to the colonies when he was a teenager.

of the 55 1787 delegates, only nine were born outside of the colonies.

Edited by John
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