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I was down in Wiley county Kentucky this weekend to visit the girlfriend and I was pulled over for rolling through a stop sign/ not using a turn signal and on top of that the cop added wreckless driving. I did some looking around online but couldnt find an approximate cost. Does anyone have any idea what these might cost me?:(

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Yeah..Just ignore it...So they can issue a warrant or a Stop on your liscense for Non-Payment.

You do realize most of the country is linked together now for the BMV's right.

The times of ignoring out of state tickets has come and gone.

Now if you get a ticket in a state that is part of the system, they can suspend your liscense for a non-payment.

SO yeah..Follow this guys advice and don't pay it.

BTW....What exactly did he nail you on for Wreckless?

I might go and fight that one.

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So it sounds like the BMV's can see what i have done in other states? I would just be really nervous that if i got pulled over back in Ohio that they would see that i had this violation in KY and then take my license.

He said that i nearly struck his cruiser as i rolled through the stop sign.

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So it sounds like the BMV's can see what i have done in other states?

All States report to each other on traffic violations except Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Tennessee and Massachusetts, which means points you get in any of the other states will transfer to your Ohio license IF there is a similar statue in Ohio. So you will get points for the above tickets on your Ohio license. It's called the Drivers License Compact. I THINK you get fewer points, like a max of 2 per infraction, depending upon how many points Ohio law would give you. My guess is you get 2 for reckless (the max) and 1 each for the other two.

The second issue is ignoring the tickets. If you do KY will issue a warrant for your arrest. If you get stopped in Ohio and the cop does a deep enough check for existing warrants and finds it he will haul you directly to jail, where you will wait for some dudes in a van to pick you up an haul you to KY to face trial. My nephew knows about this first hand, he got his butt hauled back to Nevada for a similar warrant. He sat here in jail for 2 and a half weeks before Nevada picked him up and then sat in jail there for a couple of weeks more before a judge saw him and we could arrange payment for the tickets. We had lawyers for him the whole time, they couldn't do a thing.

Fight them or pay them but don't ignore them. Those days are long gone.

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I got one in N.C. a few years ago. It's a racket they have going on. I had to hire an attorney to represent me in N.C.. The cop handed me a lawyer brochure.

The lawyer was cheaper than driving back down there.

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I got one in N.C. a few years ago. It's a racket they have going on. I had to hire an attorney to represent me in N.C.. The cop handed me a lawyer brochure.

The lawyer was cheaper than driving back down there.

My parents had to do the same thing a year or so ago.

Reckless driving is pretty subjective, but you're still going on cop vs. you. Try to get there earlier and see if you can cut a plea with the prosecutor, chances are the reckless is pretty shaky and if you agree to the fine and points or whatever on the other charge the reckless will go away.

Remember, the main thing muni governments are after is the money. Points are arbitrary and affect only you, its the fines that put the money in the local coffers and affects them. It's an incredibly shitty way of doing things, but that's the way the game is played.

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I know here in ohio, from past experience(things may have since changed)

wreckless op-4 points. 98 dollar fine

stop sign-2 points. 98 dollars

turn signal-2 points 98 dollars. Although I have never seen the turn signal enforced. Just "warned"

if this is all the case your really going to have to watch yourself for awhile. In ohio if you get 12 points in two years, your done, for a year. Now some states (such as indiana) dont report your tickets back to ohio, so therefore getting a ticket in indiana does not put points on your ohio licences. I don't know what your previous driving record looks like, and if you don't you can look it up right here.https://www.dps.state.oh.us/netsys/netdb/ENGLISH/MMENU.asp Once you aquire 10 points you will get a letter from the BMV stating that if you get one more ticket, your licences will be suspened for a year. After that, and you get another ticket, its all over from there. But if these series of points correlate you over 12 points in 2 years, id sure be trucking myself back down there and fighting that for all its worth. As I said, i dont know if tickets from KY come back on your ohio driving record or not. I know indiana does not, or didnt when I got my big ol speeding ticket in indy.

Edited by oldschoolsdime92
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I would go fight it,personally.

I don't know about that. Did the cruiser have a camera? Most camera systems begin to record when the lights are turned on. Some have a minute or so of recording saved into memory before the lights are turned on. So if he did almost hit the cruiser, then the LEO turned on his lights shortly thereafter, he may have the close call on tape. You take that to court to fight and they have proof, you could be even worse off, but INAL.

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For certain offenses some states (I've been ticketed in most of them), will make you appear infront of the judge. Has very little if anything to do with the cost of the fines, more about what they perceive as seriousness of the offense(s). CO will demand you appear if you are going 20mph over the speed limit. If you are an out of stater they tend to add things on the tix (like careless driving), to force your appearance in court.

When I got pinched in NE and was told I had to appear, I phoned the courthouse and we were able to haggle things out over the phone. Only downside is that you almost always have to plead guilty en lieu of traveling back to the state of the offense.

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