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Stupid Punk @$$ kids


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So I had just sat down to watch some TV, Blazing Saddles is on and thought since it had been awhile, I'd watch it. Well I turn it on, go and make my kid some food, since down to eat myself and about 10 mins later the dish signal goes out. I waited a few seconds. Nothing. Thought maybe there was some snow on the dish so i grab the broom to go clean it and what do I find? Someone bent the arm that sticks out from the dish clear over to the side. I try to bend it back some and half the bracket breaks. Can't get any signal. Call the company. Give them the primary number on the account. My wife's cell. Good. Give them the last four of the social on the account. My wifes. Good. I verified eveything for them. They won't send someone because I'm not authorized on the account. She's at work until 6. To top it off, it's $15 to have a tech come out and fix it. I'm really pissed off. I ever find the punk that did this, he's paying for it and I will press some charges. I hate vandals.


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That sucks. You can watch the game over here if you want, BYOB.

Physical violence, while it will feel good, can only result in bad things for you. Just sayin'.

Thanks for the offer, I appreciate it. And I'm not going to lay a hand on them. That wouldn't teach them anything. I'd opt for vandalism charges, making them pay to have it fixed. I want to get their rap sheet started/or added to it. :D

Fucking up someone else's stuff "just because" is bullshit.

Find out who it was and bust up some of his shit.

:lol: Believe me, that would make me feel better.

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Weak! I just got back from my dads and his signal is half out. Everything works but the local channels. He doesnt want to leave the house and cant watch the Stupid Bowl.

The Dish installer put the dish on the very top of the house and his ladder wont reach high enough to climb up there and clean the snow off. shitty. Good thing there is no good teams to watch in the bowl. He didnt seem too broke up about it.

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Weak! I just got back from my dads and his signal is half out. Everything works but the local channels. He doesnt want to leave the house and cant watch the Stupid Bowl.

The Dish installer put the dish on the very top of the house and his ladder wont reach high enough to climb up there and clean the snow off. shitty. Good thing there is no good teams to watch in the bowl. He didnt seem too broke up about it.

They make dish heaters for this! I think they run off a transformer that you "T" into the line.

I had to trapse through knee deep snow, about 100 ft, twice this weekend to clear off the dish.

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It would probably be cheaper to buy a used dish, than to have them fix it, seeing that it's doubtful you'll get any restitution from the incident.... I may have one that you could use for parts, I'll look.

I do have one, I'll bring it into the shop tomorrow, or you can stop by and pick it up. The parts might be what you need. It's worth looking at.

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I do have one, I'll bring it into the shop tomorrow, or you can stop by and pick it up. The parts might be what you need. It's worth looking at.

It's the bracket that holds the arm to the dish. And now it's all out of adjustment too. Mine is Dish Network, don't know if thats different equipment than Direct TV, which I assume is what you have.

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The dish is usually the same, it's the LNB on the end of that arm that's usually different. I do have one, you can see if it will work. I might snap a pic of it in a bit and send it to you to look at.

Okay, if you do, I'll see it after I get back. We are gonna go out to eat.

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We can't afford that, my wife spent all of our money at the grocery store.

Christmas Giftcards. ;) Went to Longhorn Steakhouse.

Cable. ;)

We got dish and DSL for like 5 bucks more than we were paying for cable internet. (Had rabbit ears on the TV too)

Are you sure it was vandals or did some snow/ice slide off the roof and hit it on the way down? It happens allot.
I was going to say the same thing... everyone's so quick to grab the torches and pitchforks.

Considering the arm was bent way off to the side at an upward angle, I would say it was probably vandals. Now had it been bent at a downward angle, I would have said It could have been snow falling off a tree or roof. I am also not talking bent a few inches to the side. I'm talking bent nearly as far as it would go so it was parallel with the dish. Was definitely a person, or maybe bigfoot, that did it.

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Hmmm' date=' well lets see, we've been in our house for 7 years and I think our cable went out twice. How about your dish? :D[/quote']

Less, other than snow, which could be taken care of with a heated dish! If the dish was up on the roof, it would probably be better, I've never lost signal with a roof mounted dish! This one is mounted on a pole out back, since there's no place on the roof to put it that it would get past the trees. One other difference here, that I've never had to deal with, is it's the wider multi-lnb dish, that's required for HD, and a few other channels, which I don't have, so I COULD replace it with a standard dish.

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Less, other than snow, which could be taken care of with a heated dish! If the dish was up on the roof, it would probably be better, I've never lost signal with a roof mounted dish!

Let me rephrase that question, how many times has your signal gone to shit to where you couldn't watch it cause it was all pixelated and choppy or studdering or freezing, you know what I mean. I had a dish once, I know what a good rain storm or snow does, told myself never again after that one.

Of course if I lived in the middle of nowhere like 1000rrrider then I guess I'd have no choice! :rolleyes:

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