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the ride last night with harley guys


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Wrong Satan.. sounds like you may have gotten you CCW back before the law change or else your instructor is not staying up to date on the current laws.

Actually the law has been updated. you no longer have to have your firearm in open view.You do however have to notify the officer if your carrying and are stopped..

And yes you are allowed to carry on a motorcycle with the updated law.. See below excerpt.

E) No person who has been issued a license or temporary emergency license to carry a concealed handgun under section 2923.125 or 2923.1213 of the Revised Code shall do any of the following:

(1) Knowingly transport or have a loaded handgun in a motor vehicle unless one of the following applies:

(a) The loaded handgun is in a holster on the person’s person .

(b) The loaded handgun is in a closed case, bag, box, or other container that is in plain sight and that has a lid, a cover, or a closing mechanism with a zipper, snap, or buckle, which lid, cover, or closing mechanism must be opened for a person to gain access to the handgun.

© The loaded handgun is securely encased by being stored in a closed, locked glove compartment or in a case that is locked.

Okay cool, I didn't know they'd changed it already. I took my CCW last summer, so that was current then.

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Sorry your not getting the details. short version, a guy on a harley was being a dick,he offered to give me an ass beating so I stopped to take him up on it. When he realized I was serious and was not going to run from him he backed down and rode away with his tale between his legs.NO VIOLENCE!

so you can say it in public. you pulled a me!!!!!! if i was there i would have pee-ed on his pipes and make him smell burning pee staining his chrome.

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You guys are all stupid it went from talking about what happened last night to the wrongs and rights of carrying a concealed weapon. I'll put money on it that any of you guys that have your ccw license wouldn't pull the trigger if you had to. And just because you have it doesn't mean you can just go around shooting anyone that pissed you off or pull it on them. Have any of you ever shot anything living before? I bet not. JACKASSES! Fucking stupid.

Bottom line is if you weren't there then shut up. They didn't come up from behind you and almost put you into car or run you off the road. They didn't just ride by reving.

Flounder why do you constantly comment in hinesight in a negative way, such a critic.

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You guys are all stupid it went from talking about what happened last night to the wrongs and rights of carrying a concealed weapon. I'll put money on it that any of you guys that have your ccw license wouldn't pull the trigger if you had to. And just because you have it doesn't mean you can just go around shooting anyone that pissed you off or pull it on them. Have any of you ever shot anything living before? I bet not. JACKASSES! Fucking stupid.

Bottom line is if you weren't there then shut up. They didn't come up from behind you and almost put you into car or run you off the road. They didn't just ride by reving.

Flounder why do you constantly comment in hinesight in a negative way, such a critic.

I'll bet my life if it was me or them. it'd be them. :beating:

not that I'd ever shoot anyone in any other situation, but if i told some crack head with a weapon to stop more than once, you can believe that they'd at least spend the rest of there days sans knee caps. :bitchfight:

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You guys are all stupid it went from talking about what happened last night to the wrongs and rights of carrying a concealed weapon. I'll put money on it that any of you guys that have your ccw license wouldn't pull the trigger if you had to. And just because you have it doesn't mean you can just go around shooting anyone that pissed you off or pull it on them. Have any of you ever shot anything living before? I bet not. JACKASSES! Fucking stupid.

Bottom line is if you weren't there then shut up. They didn't come up from behind you and almost put you into car or run you off the road. They didn't just ride by reving.

Flounder why do you constantly comment in hinesight in a negative way, such a critic.


What's wrong with discussing the concealed carry when the original poster brought it up???

may be I should get my concealed weapon license.

No, I've never shot a person. Yes, I've shot LOTS of living things. No, I don't carry.


Why can't there be peace and happiness here?

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If a guy/couple of guys on harleys did that shit to me, I doubt I would have the intentions to just speed away. A harley pulling next to you and blaring his pipes is one thing. Its another to play with safety and possibly injure me.

Pulling the harley bike over to the side of the road was dengerous and stupid. BUT, I'm sure I would've taken a similar course of action. And I would hope that some of my friends who I ride with would've backed me in such an event.

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I received my CCW back in January and havent checked the laws since then.. back then it has to be in a locked case while in a vehicle. My bad guys :) Either way in that situation your right, I wouldnt have shot anyone b/c there wasnt a reason to. But following the guy and kicking his bike over the next chance I got (when it wasnt moving) would have made me feel better.

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I received my CCW back in January and havent checked the laws since then.. back then it has to be in a locked case while in a vehicle. My bad guys :) Either way in that situation your right, I wouldnt have shot anyone b/c there wasnt a reason to. But following the guy and kicking his bike over the next chance I got (when it wasnt moving) would have made me feel better.

It was never that way for people with a CCW.

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It was never that way for people with a CCW.

Dude, I was just in the class...when were you there? It was that it had to be locked up when in a motor vehicle. Outside of the vehicle it has to be concealed. The law stated that it could not be "on your person" while in the vehicle. The guy who taught the class wrote 2/3 of the CCW book so I think he would know

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and now I search for the law and all I find is that it has to be in plain site OR locked... so maybe I am thinking of if you are on a motorcycle it is hard to carry in plain site or else it wouldnt be concealed.. so therefore would have to be locked... I am confusing myself lol


page 17-18

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You guys are all stupid it went from talking about what happened last night to the wrongs and rights of carrying a concealed weapon. I'll put money on it that any of you guys that have your ccw license wouldn't pull the trigger if you had to. And just because you have it doesn't mean you can just go around shooting anyone that pissed you off or pull it on them. Have any of you ever shot anything living before? I bet not. JACKASSES! Fucking stupid.

Bottom line is if you weren't there then shut up. They didn't come up from behind you and almost put you into car or run you off the road. They didn't just ride by reving.

Flounder why do you constantly comment in hinesight in a negative way, such a critic.

+1 I think twincharge was only trying to get across how frustating the situation was. There was no need for a gun, just to put someone in their place.

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Sounds like an overall shitty situation but its fucking stupid trying to pull someone over. If someone tried pulling me over, I guarantee Im coming off my bike swinging or worse because if someone tries to pull my over and that person is not a cop, the only thing I can assume is that they want to fight me, rob me, or worse... .. Thats about the biggest sign of road rage aggression there is.. someone is lucky they didnt get a gun pulled on them or worse..

Come on guy...you mean to tell me if you are surrounded by 10 bikes, you are going to hop off swinging...:nono:.

I was there and the odds were not good for the 3 Harleys, so it was dumb on their part...what kind of 3 person pack of idiots pick with one person who is riding with a group of +10. Either way it was a lesson for the one Harley who got pulled over...get some new friends to ride with because they left you to get pummeled after pulling an unnecessary act.

As for laws about concealed weapons....what's the law against a concealed Louisville Slugger :beating: or better yet a Flail? I know what some of you are thinking,"...how do you plan on concealing that...", just be creative and I'm sure you can think of something.

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You guys are all stupid it went from talking about what happened last night to the wrongs and rights of carrying a concealed weapon. I'll put money on it that any of you guys that have your ccw license wouldn't pull the trigger if you had to. And just because you have it doesn't mean you can just go around shooting anyone that pissed you off or pull it on them. Have any of you ever shot anything living before? I bet not. JACKASSES! Fucking stupid.

Bottom line is if you weren't there then shut up. They didn't come up from behind you and almost put you into car or run you off the road. They didn't just ride by reving.

Flounder why do you constantly comment in hinesight in a negative way, such a critic.

i have my ccw and i had to shoot for a living before, not targets made of paper or furry little animals in the woods (or on your fence) but humans. would i just go on a shooting spree? not in this or any other life time. shoot someone over my wallet? no way. shit let them take my TV and computer too, i can replace all that stuff easy just 1 call to my insurance company.

now on the other hand if my life or my family in any way going to be harmed before i could complete my thought the trigger would be pulled.

now with the way you are talking were you there?

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No, ohio has a concealed weapons law for the last few years, your allowed to carry loaded weapons on you if your properly permitted.

and come on, 10 guys on sportbikes Vs. 3 Hardly guys? hell I'd have done it just to piss on there ego. :cheers:

Dweezel you from youngstown just like me and you know how it is up there. Rolling up on someone and not knowing if he is armed can spell "deadly incident" real quick. If you are going to pull someone over at least try and be ready in all departments. I wouldnt do it. On the other hand if we at a light after the incident or a gas station and he still talking shit or want to rumble i say "cheap suit" his ass quick (thats.... be all over his ass in a hurry) so he cant pull anything out. Thats still not a good idea from a legal standpoint but we all know everyone has a limit to the bullshit they will put up with.....everyone!

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+1 I think twincharge was only trying to get across how frustating the situation was. There was no need for a gun, just to put someone in their place.

Yes, I was trying to get across how frustrating the situation was. No need for a gun ever! I ran away to America because I wasted 3 cops who came after my family. But...only found another jackass here too.

Satan and Flounder, I believe you both didn't understand or misread why I wrote that I need a CCW license. But also, were one of you the one who thought the trip to hocking hills was bad/dangerous? I even posted the question: "why did I or one get a sport bike in the first place?" Now, my next question, "I heard ohio riders is actually ohio sitters on their bikes, is that right?" Why didn't you just ask why I wrote about getting the CCW license? It's kinda embarassing that I have to write all of these..but of course, I believe that everyone can air their opinions. Now, my question: are you one of those guys who believe that everyone is entitled to your opinion? I think that's what nochknstrps was trying to say. Now, this is my opinion to you: There's nothing wrong to talk about CCW law or how dangerous our trip last time, do that somewhere else or ride bicycles! Try to understand the story first before raining on someone's parade by airing your opinion or ranting about the FUCKING LAW!!! I think this is exactly what nochknstrps was trying to say.

To all, the story:

I decided to pull my bike over when in my mind for one second, I know all of the consequences, either going to jail or killed. All over the world, people die because of their beliefs, in Asia, people are willing to die to defend their names/family/beliefs! For me, being respected is huge! After I got off of my bike, I unclipped the belt off of my helmet to be used as a weapon. While screaming to this guy, I was using all of my strength not to break his face with my helmet. Finally, the harley guy admitted, "yea, I remember I cut you off. I saw his face from being 'ready for war' to 'I am sorry' look. This is a little bit chezzy but for me, the change of his look is an understanding between men when the eyes meet. Then, my logic took place over my rage. Don't get me wrong, I decided that this is my battle and absolutely, I won't let Rocky went through it alone. However, I believe violence sometimes doesn't solve problems, especially this one. After Rocky said his final piece (Rocky, it's priceless...wish I had a recorder), I told him "it's not worth it, it's done, let's go!" At the end, a respect has been established between the fucker and I.

To gsxr750girl, Rocky actually doesn't need my backup in this situation...he heh eh.

patcbr600RR, you're missing the point. What's is it about bragging to shoot a living person to challenge his point (you know who)? Nochknstrps is just using those to point: you were not there. No, we weren't there when you shot a living being. If you want to talk about it, talk about it somewhere else. AGAIN, we were there when it happened and we weren't there when you shot someone. that's it. AGAIN, the point: you weren't there. If you use the same analogy as I just used, it's beating a dead horse!

thank you to all of you who backed us up! :bow:


ps: I was joking around about wasting three cops...:D

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You guys are all stupid it went from talking about what happened last night to the wrongs and rights of carrying a concealed weapon. I'll put money on it that any of you guys that have your ccw license wouldn't pull the trigger if you had to. And just because you have it doesn't mean you can just go around shooting anyone that pissed you off or pull it on them. Have any of you ever shot anything living before? I bet not. JACKASSES! Fucking stupid.

Bottom line is if you weren't there then shut up. They didn't come up from behind you and almost put you into car or run you off the road. They didn't just ride by reving.

Flounder why do you constantly comment in hinesight in a negative way, such a critic.

Grow up

First off you dont know me and it would be a good idea to quit acting like you do. You comment on killing things... wow.. you must be a true blue city slicker and or just plain dipshit. Im not originally from columbus and grew up in a small farm town where I spent damn near ever other day hunting.. Oh yeah I also used to help my uncle slaughter pigs on the farm when it came to be that time of year, so like I said.. dont act like you know shit about anyone and your stupid little comment about "killing things" sounds like something a 4 year old with their first pellet gun would say. I dont care if your Johny UFC. trying to pull people over on the highway is fucking stupid.

You obviously dont know anything about hunting, gun saftey, ccw, laws, or for the most part you dont seem to know shit about common sense either.. your statements are that of pure ignorance and stupidity.. thanks for playing, you are the weakest link.. GOODBYE

Are you going to cry because the thread didnt go the way you wanted it to. awww.. poor baby.. if I could send you an e-tissue, I would :supergay:

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Come on guy...you mean to tell me if you are surrounded by 10 bikes, you are going to hop off swinging...:nono:.

I was there and the odds were not good for the 3 Harleys, so it was dumb on their part...what kind of 3 person pack of idiots pick with one person who is riding with a group of +10. Either way it was a lesson for the one Harley who got pulled over...get some new friends to ride with because they left you to get pummeled after pulling an unnecessary act.

As for laws about concealed weapons....what's the law against a concealed Louisville Slugger :beating: or better yet a Flail? I know what some of you are thinking,"...how do you plan on concealing that...", just be creative and I'm sure you can think of something.

They said, 2 guys on sportbikes pulled over 1 harley rider... not 10.. and if 10 harley guys pulled up beside me on the highway.. I wouldnt worry because Im still moving.. if they tried to run me off the road, then I would either hit the brakes and let them pass or take off and leave them.. if I really felt like they were trying to harm me while I was riding, I would get some plate numbers and call the cops..

Its just not a smart/safe idea to try and stop someone yourself.. in a situation like that , the person you try and stop may have a weapon.. also, if it went to court, you will be at fault because you are the one that tried to take justice into your own hands...

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Satan and Flounder, I believe you both didn't understand or misread why I wrote that I need a CCW license.
I was simply stating the obvious: pulling over the Harley guy was stupid and you can conceal carry on a motorcycle.
But also, were one of you the one who thought the trip to hocking hills was bad/dangerous? I even posted the question: "why did I or one get a sport bike in the first place?"
Not sure what you're talking about. I love riding down to Hocking, but I wasn't there with you guys. I'm not quite sure who you would be talking about. My only comment about that trip was about the whole calling each other out shit. Pushing your limits to prove something to someone else is how accidents happen. Sorry, but that's true. Its kinda like playing swords in the mens room. "My penis is bigger". That whole thread sounded like a bunch of Vette owners, not motorcyclists.
Now, my next question, "I heard ohio riders is actually ohio sitters on their bikes, is that right?"
What? Did your mom make you eat paint chips as a child?
Why didn't you just ask why I wrote about getting the CCW license? It's kinda embarassing that I have to write all of these..but of course, I believe that everyone can air their opinions.
Kinda embarrassing to who? I don't get it?
Now, my question: are you one of those guys who believe that everyone is entitled to your opinion? I think that's what nochknstrps was trying to say. Now, this is my opinion to you: There's nothing wrong to talk about CCW law or how dangerous our trip last time, do that somewhere else or ride bicycles! Try to understand the story first before raining on someone's parade by airing your opinion or ranting about the FUCKING LAW!!! I think this is exactly what nochknstrps was trying to say.
Somebody (you) posts saying they should get there CCW because of three Harley guys picking on ten sportbikes. That's a stupid idea. Now had you said you wanted to get it for personal protection because those Harley guys almost made you piss your pants, that's different. The CCW laws brought up were all valid points relating to you wanting a CCW for when big bad Harley guys scare you when you're on your bike. Make sense? See how your first post brought us to this? So rest easy young Jedi, you can carry a concealed weapon on your motorcycle if you take your CCW. If you're interested, I know several instructors I can put you in touch with.

PS: you have an FD?

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since there are 5 pages I will comment. There are several people on this site with a CCW, and it seems that they believe that nobody else should ever get one because of how stupid they are and how they cant handle the responsibility. (please dont call me out on this comment because i will search for all of the contradictory comments on this site)

There is a guy from my experience who is very level headed and has offered on more than one occasion to help anyone with their bike, who realized that bad situations can happen anytime who wants a CCW.

So what is the problem? Suggest a good firearm, a CCW program and a place to practice shooting.

As far as the vigilante justice, a man without dignity is not a man at all. If his family raised him to protect his honor and dignity then let him beat the crap out of someone who deserves it. If he was raised to avoid and confrontation then so be it. There are also a million posts of "I would have kicked his ass if I were there" on this site too so lets not be asses. Does anyone really think the police would do a damn thing if you called with their plate numbers? The police watch hundreds of guys who ride Harleys get drunk and ride home, dont believe me, I'll see you next week at quaker steak.

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