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the ride last night with harley guys


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since there are 5 pages I will comment. There are several people on this site with a CCW, and it seems that they believe that nobody else should ever get one because of how stupid they are and how they cant handle the responsibility. (please dont call me out on this comment because i will search for all of the contradictory comments on this site)

There is a guy from my experience who is very level headed and has offered on more than one occasion to help anyone with their bike, who realized that bad situations can happen anytime who wants a CCW.

So what is the problem? Suggest a good firearm, a CCW program and a place to practice shooting.

As far as the vigilante justice, a man without dignity is not a man at all. If his family raised him to protect his honor and dignity then let him beat the crap out of someone who deserves it. If he was raised to avoid and confrontation then so be it. There are also a million posts of "I would have kicked his ass if I were there" on this site too so lets not be asses. Does anyone really think the police would do a damn thing if you called with their plate numbers? The police watch hundreds of guys who ride Harleys get drunk and ride home, dont believe me, I'll see you next week at quaker steak.

Sig test...

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patcbr600RR, you're missing the point. What's is it about bragging to shoot a living person to challenge his point (you know who)? Nochknstrps is just using those to point: you were not there. No, we weren't there when you shot a living being. If you want to talk about it, talk about it somewhere else. AGAIN, we were there when it happened and we weren't there when you shot someone. that's it. AGAIN, the point: you weren't there. If you use the same analogy as I just used, it's beating a dead horse!

thank you to all of you who backed us up! :bow:


ps: I was joking around about wasting three cops...:D

i wasn't trying to brag at all, sorry if it came out wrong. i was replying to the comment of this "Have any of you ever shot anything living before? I bet not. JACKASSES! Fucking stupid" .

BTW i wasn't there you are right. but you don't know me and i don't know you. rocky and i have been good friends for quite a while and i heard about it before it was even posted here. i have Been in those types of situations before with him and other people.

but please stop with the Internet attitude because as stated before we don't know each other. one day we will all ride and i hope it be that i have your back covered and you have mine. and i don't mean fighting, just like i look down the road to make sure someone can wheelie and not have a car come in the lane, or staying back of the group to keep people from riding over their head and take someone out.

WOW got way off topic here. sorry for the thread jack.

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but please stop with the Internet attitude because as stated before we don't know each other. one day we will all ride and i hope it be that i have your back covered and you have mine. and i don't mean fighting, just like i look down the road to make sure someone can wheelie and not have a car come in the lane, or staying back of the group to keep people from riding over their head and take someone out.

WOW got way off topic here. sorry for the thread jack.


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