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Forum software


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Okay folks, I need your input. I started this site using phpBB. It was good, but we were growing and the more we grew, the slower it got. I switched the site over to vBulletin. We've been running vBulletin for 2 or 3 years. All has been good. Well, they released vB4. The more and more I play with it, the more and more I really don't like it. So my question to you: should we stick with what we have now until we just can't use it anymore, should we upgrade to vB4 ($190ish per version) and deal with that crap, or should we switch to another software like IPB ($150-$270 initially, $50 - $140/yr renewal, depending on what packages we purchase)? If you say switch to another forum software, which one and why?

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What software does AR15 , com use? They state they developed their own but was it based on something. They have a huge amount of traffic and seem to be able to handle it. If they can develop their own why don't you just do the same? You seem like a smart fellow.

They are an actual business with employees. We have enough bright folks on here we probably could make our own, but you're talking hundreds of hours of labor and I can't pay anyone to do it. I wish I could. Their forum is awesome.

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I'm a big fan of keeping it simple...and not breaking shit that ain't broke. I deal with network changes/design every freaking day.

My vote is to ride this biatch until she dries and up kicks us out.

If the software is doing what you/we want/need, do we really need extra bells and whistles? Is it a forum-envy issue? Cause we're still able to do what we need to do on here, and that's communicate. And look at porn.

Seriously...when the weather gets warm, these political threads and bitching about health care and whale cock will come to a welcome end, and folks will get to discussing group rides and doing power wheelies with no insurance and plates. no one is going to have time to play with all the new toys...we're gonna be riding..and so will you.

If you're going to upgrade, I say wait until right after the riding season so you have all winter to works the kinks out. BUT ..before then...ask yourself if this a WANT or a NEED based decision.

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There are much larger forums running on vBulletin 3-ish. photography-on-the.net is running 3.6.12 and they have 232,665 members, and about 800k threads! In feb of 2005, the costs of running that site were around $6k a year, according to the founder! :eek:

I'm basically saying, if it ain't broke, don't fixi t!

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There are much larger forums running on vBulletin 3-ish. photography-on-the.net is running 3.6.12 and they have 232,665 members, and about 800k threads! In feb of 2005, the costs of running that site were around $6k a year, according to the founder! :eek:

I'm basically saying, if it ain't broke, don't fixi t!

Beat me to it. This was the same example I was going to use. That forum is very active and it performs fine.

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The more and more I play with it, the more and more I really don't like it.

What exactly don't you like? From this side of the screen it works very well. One of the easiest and fastest forums I use with regularity. Remember the three golden rules of software/computers.

1) If it ain't broke don't fix it.

2) No matter what you buy you will find things you don't like. There are no perfect solutions.

3) No matter how big you build it and how fast you make it sooner or later the users will flood it and bog it down.

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Inya stole my thunder: I'm from the school of thought that "if it ain't broke, don't break it".

Upgrades should be done for compelling reasons:

- The new version fixes problems that the current version has


- The new version adds features/functionality that you want AND need


- The current version is out of support

Things to think about:

- How will the look/feel/functionality of the new release/software compare to what the users (us) have now?

- What would the impact on the users be, e.g downtime, learning curve, etc.

- Can ORdotNET (you) afford an upgrade/different software? If you're paying maintenance and/or licensing fees, what would the costs be going forward?

- Will the hardware you currently have support the new system? (I <will> be hitting the data center this weekend to wipe/rebuild one or two 1U HP systems for ya)

Edited by jblosser
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You're the one runnin' this show Ben.....

I'd say whatever is easiest &/or most enjoyable for you, either now or in the long run. You've stated repeatedly you're not making any $$ off this site, so I'd say use the K.I.S.S method, unless you enjoy the challenge of working the bugs out of the new version for us

BTW.... DTC calls dibs on your v3 whenever you do decide to upgrade :lol:

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You're the one running this show I would go for the most stable least amount of babysitting approach.

I agree. Do whatever is the least amount of work and the least expensive for you, Ben. I never notice it running slow and we rarely have problems.

If someone doesn't like what you provide, I recommend a falcon punch from Jagr. :D

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