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gauging interest for 1st spring meet


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just trying to mix things up fellas, to keep the interest going... and I figured if we have people riding in maybe having it in a location near some good routes would be cool... and yes scott you are right alcohol would be absent in a meet @ a park of some sort...so keep the ideas coming people...

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  Funjunkie said:
Just an FYI..My brother was killed by a drunk driver back in 04, so if drinkin and ridin becomes important... Im out.....If you drink and ride.. your fucking stupid!! Period!

as most that have attended our events can attest, that doesn't become an issue as most who ride in don't drink and those that do get their bikes parked in a secure place for them until they are sober or the next day...

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  Funjunkie said:
Sounds good.. Granted, I have baggage..Its just that ive seen pics on of some of the members partying, and they look like a hammer fest to me. Toasting with pitchers and all..Its hard not to judge and freak out.

The pix it sounds like you're probably "judging" are of the DTC Karaoke party in Cleveland a couple weeks ago, where almost everybody got rooms & several people were DD's. That party was indeed a "hammer fest" for many of us, but as legal age adults, we planned ahead & took appropriate precautions so everyone had options available to them

  Funjunkie said:
Just an FYI..My brother was killed by a drunk driver back in 04, so if drinkin and ridin becomes important... Im out.....If you drink and ride.. your fucking stupid!! Period!

I understand you lost your brother 5 years ago, & are carrying that pain around with you still.... But don't "judge" everything on here by one party, & lash out with your opinion.... Especially when you've only been around for 50 posts, & maybe don't have the best idea of what "normal" is for this site & these people

Edited by Fonzie
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  Funjunkie said:
Just an FYI..My brother was killed by a drunk driver back in 04, so if drinkin and ridin becomes important... Im out.....If you drink and ride.. your fucking stupid!! Period!

+1 as I was hit by one in Sept 08

I also think one of the parks would be a great idea Moose & if the date/time is set far enough in advance I can try to get some time off work to come along.

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had a thought, how about combining a ride and a cookout? I would like some help planning out a good route and deciding which park to have the cook out at, also could use some help with other logistics like getting the grill and food to the park when the time comes. anyone interested hit me up PM or just call me...

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  max power said:
we need a clubhouse like a real biker gang. :D

Well, Spike's Shine Shop and the Coffee & Chrome cafe should be up and running by then.... but alas, we are in Canton. This is part of the reason we decided to open -- great place to hang out, etc.

I'll post some pics of the construction progress...

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