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Dealing with ex wives is SO much fun. I just LOVE it


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Ever have a battle of words with your ex? Doesn't matter if it's email, fax, or text? (and yes I have had fax fights before...lol)

My ex wife has been ANNOYING THE HELLL OUT OF ME lately and was bothering me again, so I came back with (among other things) in a txt

"I'd rather have my balls ripped off by an alligator than to see, deal, or have to communicate with you on ANY basis. So unless you have something intelligent to say, leave me the puck alone"

She left me alone after that.

Well it made me laugh and hopefully really pissed her off too :D

Got any good lines you said to an ex?

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"I dunno how my last ex wife ended up in 4 pieces at the bottom of a lake, but it worked out because she was starting to slightly annoy me"

4 pieces? how do you end up with four pieces? I always end up with six (think about it), AND you can fit it neatly in two suitcases ;)

edit: that's not true, once I came up with five, sorry for the mis-quote

Edited by ShankroidBeast
It's been a long day, holy crap, leave my ugly ass alone
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I called an ex a hormonal bitch once and she didn't talk to me for two months. I think I hit a soft spot. lol

replace bitch with thundercunt and thats easily 4-6 months of not having to hear from those of the vaginal persuasion

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ME. Are you sure you wanted to sign that without reading it?

Her YES, I just want out

Me well get your clothes and the car payment book and get the f*%k out, cause you just signed the paper that says it is all you get.....and you are paying 1/2 the attorney fees and court costs too

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"don't talk to me until you have taken your meds" .... and "you forgot to take your pills today, huh?" -- actually not me, my Marine roommate to his former Marine wife who was discharged for mental shyte. Needless to say, he got the shyte beat out of him more than once by her.

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