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Rider rear ends car on 303 somewhere around rt. 8....


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So, I get to school this morning after deciding not to ride b/c of the soaking wet pavement (good judgement +1). In the commons my one friend told me her dad "saw a red crotch rocket in an accident on 303. The rider ran right into the back end of some car. He said is was mostly red with some black."

.... Poor Judgement. -1 :nono:

That's all I know right now, but I was wondering if there's anyone near peninsula/hudson/streetsborough with a red/black bike. Or if anyone heard anything more about this....

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I think I'll get some more seat time and miles under my belt before I take 'er out for a bath!


+1 best idea ever. I took mine out last season, wanted to ride to work. It was raining...I crashed...F'ed my ankle up so I couldn't ride for a while...bad idea. One of these days though...I'll rock the rain.

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I'm surprised so many people are down with riding in the rain. That's really surprising to me. I f*ck*ng hate it. But I'm a pussy, so who am I to judge.

I kind of take it as a personal challenge. "Can I do it without crashing?" That and I have always loved the rain. Nothing beats the sound of rain on a tin roof.

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Riding in the rain is fun, but if it's fresh stuff and it hasn't rained in a while, I'll usually wait at least an hour before getting on the road. I didn't do that in October and ate it on 23 on the way to work from a raised oil slick. Not fun.

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I'm surprised so many people are down with riding in the rain. That's really surprising to me. I f*ck*ng hate it. But I'm a pussy, so who am I to judge.

True that. I'm also surprised so many people are down with the idea, I just avoid it b/c of the obviously increased risk associated with wet roads. Other than that I would have no problem riding during a mid-summer's rain.

The sound of a metal headboard bouncing off a cedar wall.


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That's all I know right now, but I was wondering if there's anyone near peninsula/hudson/streetsborough with a red/black bike. Or if anyone heard anything more about this....

I'm in Hudson, but my red/black bike is safe and sound right here with me in my office.:)

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The rain blows, but the coolest riding experience I ever had was riding at night in a thunderstorm. Lightning at night + Speed = teh awsumz

I had to do that once. Back when he had the really heavy rain and wind, last fall I think it was. I did about 20-30mph the whole way dodging tree branches and huge puddle across the roads. Then I get to 161 on 310 on the over pass. Nice wide open, raised area when this huge bolt of lightening happened and I almost crapped myself.

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