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Satan are you really sending this shit


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So I get this myspace message from you.. Not sure if you sent it or if your account has been compromised but you are posting this bulletin to everyone on your friends list.

Start Bulletin "


A large donation to the Ron Paul for President campaign is being coordinated for today, November 5th.

Please make any donation you can at www.ronpaul2008.com/donate

Ron Paul is the ONLY Presidential candidate worth voting for. He fights tirelessly in Congress, as he will as President, to restore our Constitutional freedoms, end needless wars, minimize federal spending, lower taxes, expose government corruption, and restore America's global image.

A donation to Ron Paul's campaign is an investment. The Federal Reserve continues to print money, unbacked, out of thin air to pay for the war, and in turn, our earnings and savings are losing value every day!

The Canadian dollar is now worth 7 cents more than the US dollar, and it is only getting worse!

Please, make a donation, no amount is too small.


End Bulletin


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Yeah I posted that bulletin. Take it you're a Hillary supporter?

Here's a MySpace lesson for ya: a bulletin is like the old BBS systems. You post a bulletin, it shows up on everyone's bulletin board. You can choose not to read them. It isn't a message to you directly. It was a bulletin someone else posted and I forwarded it along.

BTW: So far they've raised 1.6+ million today and its only noon.

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Yeah I posted that bulletin. Take it you're a Hillary supporter?

Here's a MySpace lesson for ya: a bulletin is like the old BBS systems. You post a bulletin, it shows up on everyone's bulletin board. You can choose not to read them. It isn't a message to you directly. It was a bulletin someone else posted and I forwarded it along.

BTW: So far they've raised 1.6+ million today and its only noon.

I wasnt taking offense to it, I actually figured that your account was compromised. As far as my political views are concerned, to be honest, I really dont have any. I know how bulletins work by the way.. Works the same way when accounts are compromised and you start getting postings about porn or drugs. Like I said, it is that time of the year so the post was more to let you know that you may have been compromised.

As I said, I dont have any real political views and dont know enough about whats going on to make a informed decision for any candidate.

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