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Another Katana in Coshocton Thread.

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well, got the xray results, fractured ring finger, and some torn ligaments, I go to see the specialist on thursday... looks like i'm gonna be out of the riding game till at least july... but I have plans for the katana... so i'll still be busy with things...

JULY???? Wow dude, how will you ever survive?

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Your youthfull exuberance is admirable, but its gonna get you hurt.

Don't let me enthusiasm, excitement, and determination be mistaken for beligerance, ignorance, or naviette.

I said:

I would be the first Tuna to make it through Coshocton without going down. Not the first Tuna to make it through unscathed within a certain time limit or pushing the outer limits of my bike! haha

I plan to ride in a way that's gonna get me and my baby through without a scratch on either of us.

Does that mean I'm going to ride slower than most of the Coshocton veterans/experts.... HELL YEA! :p

Everything I've heard about that cursed place and what it has done to Katanas scares me shitless. It's more than enough to make me nervous and get my heart beating. I already have great respect for that place and I'm determined to "conquer it" (if you will) not because I wanna establish my place within OR or have anyone telling me I'm something special because I did it. I wanna do it because, in my mind, it'll be a test of how good my 2 wheel judgement is and an accomplishment that's important to me if no one else. :)

So don't go thinkin' I wanna be the crowned "The Boy Squid King"! :D

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Don't let me enthusiasm, excitement, and determination be mistaken for beligerance, ignorance, or naviette.

I said:

I would be the first Tuna to make it through Coshocton without going down. Not the first Tuna to make it through unscathed within a certain time limit or pushing the outer limits of my bike! haha

I plan to ride in a way that's gonna get me and my baby through without a scratch on either of us.

Does that mean I'm going to ride slower than most of the Coshocton veterans/experts.... HELL YEA! :p

Everything I've heard about that cursed place and what it has done to Katanas scares me shitless. It's more than enough to make me nervous and get my heart beating. I already have great respect for that place and I'm determined to "conquer it" (if you will) not because I wanna establish my place within OR or have anyone telling me I'm something special because I did it. I wanna do it because, in my mind, it'll be a test of how good my 2 wheel judgement is and an accomplishment that's important to me if no one else. :)

So don't go thinkin' I wanna be the crowned "The Boy Squid King"! :D


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I don't even have a Katana anymore, and I'm nervous about coshocton on Saturday.

I did hear about quite a bit of gravel in the turns around and in Coshocton....

So I'm keeping that in mind. And I'm gonna try to do a pre-trip scouting mission of most of the more technical parts before Saturday rolls around.

I'm gonna have my shit together and I'm gonna be READY! :)

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I did hear about quite a bit of gravel in the turns around and in Coshocton....

So I'm keeping that in mind. And I'm gonna try to do a pre-trip scouting mission of most of the more technical parts before Saturday rolls around.

I'm gonna have my shit together and I'm gonna be READY! :)


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I don't even have a Katana anymore, and I'm nervous about coshocton on Saturday.

The only worry I have is the length of time that will be riding fairly hard. I'm sure I'll be ok.

The first rule is RIDE YOUR OWN PACE anyway, so they WILL wait for you!

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I'm determined to "conquer it" (if you will) not because I wanna establish my place within OR or have anyone telling me I'm something special because I did it. I wanna do it because, in my mind, it'll be a test of how good my 2 wheel judgement is

I think the kid just said that all of the prior Katana riders lacked good judgment. I don't know if that's the best way to be thought of as special. Calling others out as having poor judgment will not endear you to them.

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I think the kid just said that all of the prior Katana riders lacked good judgment. I don't know if that's the best way to be thought of as special. Calling others out as having poor judgment will not endear you to them.
everyone knows I am not one to push the limits of my bike or myself... sometimes shit just happens...
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I think the kid just said that all of the prior Katana riders lacked good judgment. I don't know if that's the best way to be thought of as special. Calling others out as having poor judgment will not endear you to them.

But, what if it's at a snail's pace? How much skill would it take to "power-walk" it all the way? :lol: THAT strategy MIGHT get a Katana through Kershocten!

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I think the kid just said that all of the prior Katana riders lacked good judgment. I don't know if that's the best way to be thought of as special. Calling others out as having poor judgment will not endear you to them.

that's just a bit of a stretch.

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But, what if it's at a snail's pace? How much skill would it take to "power-walk" it all the way? :lol: THAT strategy MIGHT get a Katana through Kershocten!

and get mercilessly laughed at, not to mention not getting free Chipotle.

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im gonna tell the doc to cut off my hand and implant a robotic fist like the terminator... just so i can go ride with you guys...

That would be awesome! I'd love to see you out there Saturday! I have a feeling you'd make it through, you now have a reason!

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