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Another Katana in Coshocton Thread.

Modern Synthetics

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Seriously though, I would like to see him get through without any issues, especially since I'm going on this ride, as well!

Indeed. Waiting on tow transport or having to administer first aid on the side of the road sucks.

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Huh? Free Chipotle? Where do I sign up? Did I miss something? Mmmm... Burrito.....

We have an arrangement from the Latino Heat! err, Riders thread that if he were to successfully make it through the CSBA ride that I would personally buy him lunch at Chipotle. Judd, you are certainly welcome to come.

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But, what if it's at a snail's pace? How much skill would it take to "power-walk" it all the way? :lol: THAT strategy MIGHT get a Katana through Kershocten!

I know much of the evidence points to the fact that it's a 'location-based' fault (Coshocton) and/or rider error, but I think it's time we focus our efforts on the Katana's themselves. I'm hoping to get Ralph Nader on the case for another "Unsafe at any speed 2: The Katana"

Maybe we should start coming to terms that Katanas may just be the Corvairs of the motorcycle world...

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I know much of the evidence points to the fact that it's a 'location-based' fault (Coshocton) and/or rider error, but I think it's time we focus our efforts on the Katana's themselves. I'm hoping to get Ralph Nader on the case for another "Unsafe at any speed 2: The Katana"

Maybe we should start coming to terms that Katanas may just be the Corvairs of the motorcycle world...

WHile that thought HAD crossed my mind, I like the allure of it being something more unexplainable, something "mystic". Some sort of "anti-Katana" spirit roaming Kershockten county....

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I know much of the evidence points to the fact that it's a 'location-based' fault (Coshocton) and/or rider error, but I think it's time we focus our efforts on the Katana's themselves. I'm hoping to get Ralph Nader on the case for another "Unsafe at any speed 2: The Katana"

Maybe we should start coming to terms that Katanas may just be the Corvairs of the motorcycle world...

your analogy appeals to the history channel nerd in me, well done.

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I know much of the evidence points to the fact that it's a 'location-based' fault (Coshocton) and/or rider error, but I think it's time we focus our efforts on the Katana's themselves. I'm hoping to get Ralph Nader on the case for another "Unsafe at any speed 2: The Katana"

Maybe we should start coming to terms that Katanas may just be the Corvairs of the motorcycle world...

It has already been established by someone in this thread earlier, who wasn't even at the last events that these things occurred because of poor judgment. There is no Coshocton triangle.

Unless you are Amish and have a pony with you.

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It has already been established by someone in this thread earlier, who wasn't even at the last events that these things occurred because of poor judgment. There is no Coshocton triangle.

Unless you are Amish and have a pony with you.

I can tell you that my crash was caused by poor judgment. The Katana crash that I witnessed the second time out was caused by gravel, and Moose's crash was caused by gravel. This isn't a judgment thing, sometimes shit just happens. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.

Edited by Cheech
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I can tell you that my crash was caused by poor judgment. The Katana crash that I witnessed the second time out was caused by gravel, and Moose's crash was caused by gravel. This isn't a judgment thing, sometimes shit just happens. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.

If I want to squish a molehill by putting a mountain on top of it, I'm going to. I wanna see you stop me!

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I can tell you that my crash was caused by poor judgment. The Katana crash that I witnessed the second time out was caused by gravel, and Moose's crash was caused by gravel. This isn't a judgment thing, sometimes shit just happens. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.

So, shit just happens, using good judgment won't get the Katana challenger through Coshocton. I don't know why he is even going to try.

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Saying your good judgment will get you through something is naive if others judgment wasn't sufficient because shit can happen. Unless you think your judgment is superior. Not a good way to win friends and influence people if you're telling them you think you are superior.

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Saying your good judgment will get you through something is naive if others judgment wasn't sufficient because shit can happen. Unless you think your judgment is superior. Not a good way to win friends and influence people if you're telling them you think you are superior.

I see your point, I just think that's kind of a shitty way of looking at things. To each their own.

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:lol: How much alcohol is in those juice boxes? I think he's what...17 or 18?

Dieciocho n stillz on dat Welch's White Grape! :cheers::drink:

everyone knows I am not one to push the limits of my bike or myself... sometimes shit just happens...

OK.... Lets just clarify I never called ANYONE'S judgment into question. From everything I've encountered on the forums, its always seemed as if Moose has exhibited (at least verbally) some of the most sound and good judgment out of anyone making comments on how they ride. I trust that Moose's judgment is much better than mine. Period. Especially coupled with all the extra years of experience he has on me. :)

What I wanted to convey was that I think I have enough good judgment of my own to get ME through, meaning that I'm confident I won't be pushing any limits, whether reasonable or not, and I won't be testing the outer limits of my riding abilities. That's not saying other riders haven't done that themselves. It's only saying that I believe and I'm sure that I will act with good judgment....

So are we all good?! I'm not one to want to hurt any feelings if it's completely unnecessary....

Unless they're JRMMiii's feelings that he feels the need to share b/c its his time of month again! :D

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So, shit just happens, using good judgment won't get the Katana challenger through Coshocton. I don't know why he is even going to try.
Saying your good judgment will get you through something is naive if others judgment wasn't sufficient because shit can happen. Unless you think your judgment is superior. Not a good way to win friends and influence people if you're telling them you think you are superior.

^ :stfu:

You're just pissy about the Latino thread .... :p

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Don't let me enthusiasm, excitement, and determination be mistaken for beligerance, ignorance, or naviette.

I said:

I would be the first Tuna to make it through Coshocton without going down. Not the first Tuna to make it through unscathed within a certain time limit or pushing the outer limits of my bike! haha

I plan to ride in a way that's gonna get me and my baby through without a scratch on either of us.

Does that mean I'm going to ride slower than most of the Coshocton veterans/experts.... HELL YEA! :p

Everything I've heard about that cursed place and what it has done to Katanas scares me shitless. It's more than enough to make me nervous and get my heart beating. I already have great respect for that place and I'm determined to "conquer it" (if you will) not because I wanna establish my place within OR or have anyone telling me I'm something special because I did it. I wanna do it because, in my mind, it'll be a test of how good my 2 wheel judgement is and an accomplishment that's important to me if no one else. :)

So don't go thinkin' I wanna be the crowned "The Boy Squid King"! :D

But, what if it's at a snail's pace? How much skill would it take to "power-walk" it all the way? :lol: THAT strategy MIGHT get a Katana through Kershocten!

To put this in perspective for the both of you..... The last Katana that crashed was an older experinced rider and to quote him when we warned him about Coshocton and Katanas he said "This isnt my first rodeo I'll be fine" well he crashed riding well within his means doing maybe 10mph at most. Dont know how he managed it but he did. Pretty much just fell over going down the road. So use all the judgement you want but Coshocton doesnt play well with Katana's.

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