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Another Katana in Coshocton Thread.

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I can tell you that my crash was caused by poor judgment. The Katana crash that I witnessed the second time out was caused by gravel, and Moose's crash was caused by gravel. This isn't a judgment thing, sometimes shit just happens. Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.

The second one was not caused by gravel it was caused by piss poor riding. Maybe the world is trying to rid its self of those gay ass bikes.

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The second one was not caused by gravel it was caused by piss poor riding. Maybe the world is trying to rid its self of those gay ass bikes.

EH! Eh....

Now thats just down right inappropriate! WAAAAAY out of line. :mad:

We prefer you use the term "homosexual-oriented two wheeled motor vehicle" OK?!

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update: After a visit to the hand specialist I have 4 fractures in my ring finger. I will go in for surgery on monday. I know I am prolly just getting worked up about it, but could everyone keep the surgeon and me in your thoughts so that everything goes without problems.. thanks...

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:lol: How much alcohol is in those juice boxes? I think he's what...17 or 18?


im gonna tell the doc to cut off my hand and implant a robotic fist like the terminator... just so i can go ride with you guys...

Darth Moose.... or Moose Skywalker swordfight.gif

I know much of the evidence points to the fact that it's a 'location-based' fault (Coshocton) and/or rider error, but I think it's time we focus our efforts on the Katana's themselves. I'm hoping to get Ralph Nader on the case for another "Unsafe at any speed 2: The Katana"

Maybe we should start coming to terms that Katanas may just be the Toyotas of the motorcycle world...


Too bad my UBuell is without a tail end and a muffler right now or I'd go run it into a mailbox and a tree.


:lol:Can they ride on the front seat or do they have to ride from the back?

tn2_driving_miss_daisy_2-739979.jpg <<----- Buelldell

Edited by Fonzie
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update: After a visit to the hand specialist I have 4 fractures in my ring finger. I will go in for surgery on monday. I know I am prolly just getting worked up about it, but could everyone keep the surgeon and me in your thoughts so that everything goes without problems.. thanks...

You're in our prayers Moose! (Or thoughts if you prefer)

If you're still worrying though.... You'll be fine mah man! Back out riding before the end of the season for sure!

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update: After a visit to the hand specialist I have 4 fractures in my ring finger. I will go in for surgery on monday. I know I am prolly just getting worked up about it, but could everyone keep the surgeon and me in your thoughts so that everything goes without problems.. thanks...

you got it Brutha .

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just got my head clear of the sedatives i am home from surgery, 2 plates and 4 screws later and in some pain, got some good drugs and a work release for weds. i go back may 4th to get the stitches out. looks like 6 weeks till i can get back on a bike, and 500 bucks to fix the katana... but i have the c-50 till then

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update: After a visit to the hand specialist I have 4 fractures in my ring finger. I will go in for surgery on monday. I know I am prolly just getting worked up about it, but could everyone keep the surgeon and me in your thoughts so that everything goes without problems.. thanks...

You got it!

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