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Worst Day of me life... so far


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If he doesn't need, do you have a hammer? Free, or not free, doesn't matter to me. I just don't own one, sadly.

Yes, that is sad, and yes, I can give you hammer. I probably have 4 or 5.

Now go buy a tool bag, and pick up some balls while you are there. :D

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Yes, that is sad, and yes, I can give you hammer. I probably have 4 or 5.

Now go buy a tool bag, and pick up some balls while you are there. :D

Lol. I've got every other kind of tool needed for a house, plus several one use wonders. (How often am I really gonna need a pry bar?) A hammer just somehow never ended up here.

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Lol. I've got every other kind of tool needed for a house, plus several one use wonders. (How often am I really gonna need a pry bar?) A hammer just somehow never ended up here.

I use my pry bar daily to beat all the groupies off me. Actually, I just use it as a fly swatter, I shit myself a lot.

Sorry, Yota, taking this thread off track. :o

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Sorry to hear this Kev.... Wish I lived closer to help you with anything you may need :(

Speaking of FB though... has anyone been posting a lot of "I'm out doing 'x' for the next few hours" or "Meet me @ 'y'. I'll be there all night" status updates?

Be careful doing that. Just a PSA.

That's why I resisted the urge to post any pix of us on vacation last week, until the day we got home.... Didn't wanna give anybody ideas. Only a few I trust knew we were gone, & I swore them to secrecy

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Speaking of FB though... has anyone been posting a lot of "I'm out doing 'x' for the next few hours" or "Meet me @ 'y'. I'll be there all night" status updates?

Be careful doing that. Just a PSA.

Good call.

I have friend that does Foursquare and posts every move she makes. That is just making some creep's life way too easy.

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Speaking of FB though... has anyone been posting a lot of "I'm out doing 'x' for the next few hours" or "Meet me @ 'y'. I'll be there all night" status updates?

Be careful doing that. Just a PSA.

Yeah, I guess he did mention that he'd be out of the house for a bit. Without knowing the details it does sound kinda like someone knew he'd be out of the house. If so, that means it's someone he knows and that's a horrible feeling.

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That sucks in the worst way. Yota, if you can think of a means for me to help, let me know. Hopefully if they can't find any of your gear, they can find the fuckers that did this so they can be eviscerated.

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Sorry Bro. But perspective.... Sometimes you have to step back and remember how lucky you are. I came back to an empty house after a car crash that effectively ended my family (only a brother and I left). But after 6 months I was walking again, and years later I was racing bicycles again. We even have Brian on here who has the resolve of a warrior. Props there.

Stand tall, and move on. You've got it in you. And if you figure out who might have done this, I've got your back... Lol!

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Yeah, I guess he did mention that he'd be out of the house for a bit. Without knowing the details it does sound kinda like someone knew he'd be out of the house. If so, that means it's someone he knows and that's a horrible feeling.

What the fuck are you talking about man?

There was nothing posted on my facebook indicating where I was at the time. There was something posted about what I was possibly planning on doing later, but was only a possibility. So no I was not a victim of fucking facebook. I was doing what most people do during the day. WORKING (to support thieves). Got home from work and all my shit was gone. Could happen to any of us that work the standard hours. I got fucked. Thats its.

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